(CNN Español) – Conor McGregor flew to the pelea after a retreat that (a week ago) did not last long. Prior to the release of the UFC 257 octagon in a rematch, former stadium driver Dustin Poirier, the Irish insurer will be “revitalized”.
The images of the second round appear to be decimated. Poirier’s nocturne and posteriorly McGregor said that “simply did not stay as comfortable as it used to be” and blamed the ongoing derrota to its “inactivity”.
The speeches, tan implacable as suelen ser with los fracasos deportivos, ofrecieron un additional golpe. These are some examples.
No lloren por mi: Ya estoy muerto. #McGregor pic.twitter.com/w1ofaq7QN5
– Simpsonito (@SimpsonitoMX) 24 January 2021
Trump signed president siendo en la sombra en McGregor ganó realmente ayer pic.twitter.com/q7XHGuChCx
– ⚔️🌋🇪🇸🇦🇩TIPO DE INCOGNITO🇦🇩🇪🇸🌋⚔️ (@AMABLEUSUARIO) 24 January 2021
Gente Mcgregor dorm quedo dormido pq demasiado tarde era su su pelea por eso nomas es🤣 pic.twitter.com/I8MzucgJdr
– Ezequiel Barreto (@ eze03barreto) 24 January 2021
Good, after seeing the pelea, a mimir-como McGregor.# UFC257 pic.twitter.com/E962u5SWLH
– Gregory l (@gregoryerre) 24 January 2021
The Men Who Apostle by Poirier and No by McGregor pic.twitter.com/W2H3TH8wQ5
– Alex (@aljoanm_) 24 January 2021
# UFC257
I was able to post the writings of the house in favor of Mcgregor pic.twitter.com/OdAAys0JN8– Oswaldo Iguaran (@ OJIGO0510) 24 January 2021
I’m hoping to have 3 hours to watch McGregor pic.twitter.com/7yQFZVQ0BN
– Ae // “okay, en?” (@cfrgold) 24 January 2021
‘N Dormir came baby McGregor. pic.twitter.com/eq8DGpV5KR
– Dan (@bojacko_) 24 January 2021
” #McGregor no to vayas a poner a mezclar alcohol en la fiesta “
– “Tranquilo que no ma pasará nada, yo si se beber”
5 minute descriptions: pic.twitter.com/YnNS1udKgv
– Guayaco C. (@ Guayaco__2020) 24 January 2021
-Connor Mcgregor regressing to his house pic.twitter.com/7uPz43DmJ6
– Sinar Corzo (@SinarCorzo) 24 January 2021
Do you understand that Khabib vs Mcgregor 2 never quizzes# UFC257 pic.twitter.com/npeqWkQk4c
Diego Sosa @dieggo_sosa 24 January 2021
The team of Conor McGregor XD pic.twitter.com/ulT5qsYMi2
– Fredy Solórzano (@FredySolorzanoo) 24 January 2021