The megarepresa in the river Nile that could start a war in Africa

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Ethiopia expresses its determination to continue its work on the Nile River, following the plans of the other Riviera, Egypt and Sudan countries, which have no option to defend their interests.

These statements are based on a number of negotiations between the Chancellor of the Peace of Kinshasa, appointed by the Congolese mandate, Felix Tshisekedi, President of the African Union.

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Ethiopia initiated the construction of the Gran Presa del Renacimiento (GERD) in 2011. While its commencement, Egypt and Sudan wanted a tripartite agreement on its operation, Perías Abeba estimates that he has no reason to hope.

Before the actual diploma without diplomacy, the school, which will have its first phase in 2020, will continue during the next state of affairs, starting in June or July, announced by the Minister of Ethiopia, Seleshi Bekele.

“The llenado is producing”, said in a press release. “We are not going to renounce it in any way,” he said.

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Desde Jartum, the Sudanese Minister of Irrigation, Yasser Abbas, advised Adís Abeba that contemporaneous “all options”, and “Ethiopia initiates the second reading without agreement”.

The president of Egypt, Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, also wrote his ad. “Yo digo a mis hermanos etíopes: No toquen ni una gota de agua de Egipto porque todas las opstions estan sober la mesa”.

In the finals of March, Al Sisi evoked an “unstable instability” and the repression of “a solitary litter of Egypt”.

Peligro inminente

The work has been a source of tension between the three countries since the first powder colloquium in April 2011.

This mega package of 74,000 million cubic meters of water is located in the northeast of Ethiopia, near the front with Sudan, in the Nile Blue that is a White Nile in Jartum to form the Nile.

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With a capacity of 6,500 megawatts installed, it could be converted to Africa’s most potent hydroelectric power station.

Ethiopia claims that the energy it produces is vital to meet the needs of its 110 million inhabitants.

Peru Egypt, which spends at 97% of the Nile on rice and potable water, considers the Ethiopian packaging an amenity for its water abstinence.

Sudan, for its part, in its embassy proposals in Ethiopia, proceeded with the complete completion of the GERD before any agreement was reached.

The last intention fractured the March, three days of negotiations.

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Ethiopia “amenaza al pueblo de la cuenca del Nilo ya Sudán directament”, warns the Sudanese Chancellor, Mariam al Sadiq al Mahdi, warning of an “impending pilgrimage” to the region and the continent.

The Ethiopian Ministry of Irrigation has lamented that Egypt and Sudan are claiming a mayor’s implication for South African observers, state observers and the European Union (EU).

Ethiopia desi privilege the process designated by the presidency of the African Union, which is located in its capital, Adís Abeba.

Negotiations should be renewed by the end of the month, following the Ethiopian diplomacy.
