The medicine during the Holocaust will be the eve of the new virtual edition of the traditional March by the Vida

Image of the traditional March by the Life, in its present version
Image of the traditional March by the Life, in its present version

Just as it happened in 2020, the coronavirus pandemic impedir that is realized by manner present the denominated Marcha por la Vida 2021, on the Day of the Holocaust. By the way, the traditional event that took place 33 years ago unfolds in a virtual mode and traverses different events and activities: the eje of the actual edition will be the medicine during this period.

The educational program meets every year since the beginning of decades for all the world in Poland and Israel with the aim of studying the history of the Holocaust and examining the conditions of prejudice, intolerance and odor.

Founded in 1988 and with the clear objectives of combating the degenerate anti-Semitism and the negation of the Holocaust and allowing sovereign lives to take place in their stories in houses where they live, The March of the Life reunion has its last presidency edition (2019) no less than 260 miles of students and adults of 52 countries. Argentina is one of the nations that integrated the program, of which it participated since 1992.

Traditionally, the March of the Vida unites the three kilometers that separate the concentration camps of Auschwitz and Birkenau, in commemoration of one of the so-called “Marchs of Death”, carried out by the prisoners of the Holocaust between the concentration camps of Auschwitz and of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

In order to achieve in a traditional way the traditional prison, the resolving authorities will carry out various activities and actions that will allow the citizens to live and keep alive the memory of the horrific horror of the Jewish community during the Holocaust.

“We believe that memory is a fundamental value of our organization. Therefore, we assume the responsibility to educate about what the Shoah did with various actions, referring to the new generations with a message that the movement, the intervals and the permits to reflect on the past, but also about the present and the future ”, affirmaron de autoraades de Marcha por la Vida Argentina mediante un official communication.

The March on Life is being held in harmony with the Holocaust Remembrance Day (SHOA Archive)
The March by the Life takes place in harmony with the Day of the Holocaust (Archive SHOA)

Since then and during the next few days, the organization of the event has a global placement project, in which everyone who joins the web Never means never you can write a message dedicated to medical professionals working throughout the last year in various parts of the World in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. These messages will be translated to virtual locations and location the messages will be deposited on the Birkenau railways.

In the country, for its part, since the beginning of the year will be launched with the virtual events included in the March 2021 edition of Vida.

On Tuesdays at 6.30 pm a virtual meeting will be held with Mario Sinay titled:Jewish medicine during the Shoá, ethical dilemmas of Jewish medicine ”. Please inform the organizers, the medicine during the Holocaust will be the thematic theme of this edition of the event. Allí will take care of the work that will be done by the judicial doctors within the concentration camps.

The Wednesday 7th of April is full of events. For an event, an educational symposium will be held Pre-seller, where to reflect on the perseverance and courage of the medical professionals who work during the Shoá. This will be in the 20 Argentine hours.

Images of the March for the Life of Argentina 2019 (Adrián Escandar)
Images of the March for the Life of Argentina 2019 (Adrián Escandar)

In the 21st hour of the same week, the main act of Marcha will be realized by Vida Argentina, nominated “Iom Hashoá de Marcha por la Vida”.

Asimismo, the 8th of April and the 11th of May (Argentina) will host the Global Ceremony of Iom Hashoá. During the act, a video will be transmitted with icons of the famous march, as well as the touch of the driver at the entrance of Auschwitz. TAmbien participates in the international mandate event, such as the Israeli president, Reuven Rivlin, Holocaust survivors and detached medics who are on the first line.

The wedding will take place on April 15th at the 22nd Argentine Hours with the global celebration of Iom Haatzmaut, commemorating the 73 years of the creation of the State of Israel. It is hoped that in this event the Catalan periodical will participate Pilar Rahola.

This year’s event will also feature images and videos from the March Market celebrations to see the latest news. También will also create a virtual plantation of orchards and an emotive version of Hatikva, the theme presented in Auschwitz, interpreted by representatives of different parts of the World.


The holiday, the hamburger and the horror in the first person: 15 testimonies of Holocaust survivors that were recorded in Argentina
