The mayor of the Honduran caravan changes route on his truck to Guatemala


The Mayoria of the miles of Honduran migrants that these women are living in their country with the idea of ​​reading to United States, we will change the last time the route to get to the front with Guatemala, informs Efe one of the participants in the mobilization.

“Ultimately, the decision to make more short of the road and because we see a lot of exaggerated truck traffic of the Police and the Ejército siguiéndonos”, indicates José Bardales, which proceeds from a banana field close to the municipality of La Lima, department of Cortés, in the northern Honduran.

Explained that, in principle, the idea was to salvage the country by the aduanero point of Agua Caliente, department of Ocotepeque, but that the final decision was made by El Florido, Copán, both in the accident of Honduras, as a follow-up to the security forces, that “even if it were to happen, it would be regressed and our dear ones”.

“They – the police – say that they are not molesters, but they are always different from those who act, and that they act. We are talking about all the companies that we went to El Florido to see if we made the decision to pay in madrugada”, subray Bardales.

In addition, there is another institute that hopes for many of the migrants who come here.

The idea of ​​selling the first hours of this Saturday “is better”, Dice Bardales, “because if there is an act against us, the policies of Guatemala and Honduras we can only say that we have a relationship with the darkness of the night “.


Bardales relates that from the Jewish Lego to the Central Metropolitana of Buses of San Pedro Sula, in the north of the country, to get high in the madrugada with the caravan, which has been promoted in social speeches since the passage day 1.

Speaking to El Florido, Bardales related that the journey “is very busy”, with “a precarious situation on this truck and quite cruel”, and that the Honduran State has managed to “send trucks with police and military, in addition to send water and water “.

“We have the need for those who are happy with the covid-19 pandemic and the kwellinge Iota y Eta that our terminus will bring us to the finals of the year passed “, says the migrant, who signaled that his wife and he had nine years ago in the house of his sister-in-law.

Bardales indicates that in the Banarero camp of Guaruma, where he lived many years ago, he “lost everything to his family” by the severe floods he suffered Eta and Iota, and that in the caravan with its familiar families, between first and foremost.

“On the truck, the people have taken care of us, we have some water, a tortilla, we put a jalon in his car so that we can walk and we have to go to the podium”, acotó.

At some point in the career, the police are obliged to take care of the transport in which the migrants are traveling, following the relationship between Bardales and the automotive mechanics office, which allows “make one another very sporadic”.

In El Florido, Efe can find out that in the Honduran barn he owns at least 150 elements of the Police, while the number is much mayor in the Guatemalan frontier territory.

“With my wife we ​​are living with a small business that we have in our house, we will lose in 90 per cent, now that we have to wait for the recoverers, so he decided to go to see if United States to work for a while and then regress “, indicates the Honduran migrant.

In addition to the case of his family, which was “given in part due to the floods”, it was “pagan mediation and contract” and would not be lost.


Bardales dijo que dejó a su esposa y su hija con sus suegros, porque el camino de las caravanas “es muy duro, nada fasil paras mujeres y los niños”.

“Dueling takes its toll, making it clear that it will pay off in its own right, through social and political situations without our permission and entourage, something that takes this type of decision,” he said.

The idea of ​​Bardales is “work hard in the United States”, but say that you have “first things”, and know that “the money will not be recovered, as many screens, if it works hard to win”.

“I’ve been licking to get rid of our sueño sueño de levantarnos, die Iddi is ir a los United States, trabajar y regresar a nuestra patria, que sabemos que es rica, pero est en manos de pocas personas son son las beneficiadas del pais “, enfatizó, al recordar que su pequeña hija” quedó llorando cuando parti “.
