The majority of Americans want Trump to be completely removed from politics, findings find

A 54 percent majority of U.S. voters want former President Donald Trump to “remove himself completely from politics.”

If a hypothetical conversation about Trump is re-elected president in 2024, most Americans would prefer to make him disappear completely from the public eye.

According to the latest CNBC All-America Economic Survey released Friday night, there is widespread division over this sentiment – with 81 percent of Democrats wanting Trump to disappear altogether, compared to just 26 percent of Republican voters who feel that way. . Smaller minorities of frustrated GOP voters want to see Trump start a third party or stay active in politics, just not with any direct loyalty to any party.

Meanwhile, about half of Republicans and Americans without college degrees said in the poll that they want Trump to remain the party’s leader for the foreseeable future. And 89 percent of American adults with no college degree said they want the former president to stay at the forefront of politics.

The Senate did not take action to legally prevent Trump from running again on Saturday. Instead, senators voted to release him from his indictment by a 57-to-43 vote. In remarks following Trump’s acquittal, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said, “I hope and pray and believe ‘the American people will reject a potential 2024 campaign from the ground up.

Among Republicans, three-quarters have said they want Trump to remain active in some way in local and national political races – a sentiment that is fiercely expressed by GOP minority leader Kevin McCarthy. The top Republican from the House flew to Florida last week, urging Trump to help party candidates in their 2022 campaigns.

Perhaps Trump’s most powerful and ubiquitous platform to reach out, Twitter, was silenced because the social media giant banned his personal account and archived his former @POTUS account.

This latest CNBC poll among 1,000 Americans from across the country was conducted from February 2 to 7, just before the start of Trump’s second indictment. He is charged on January 6 with inciting an uprising at the Capitol. If the Senate had successfully voted to condemn Trump by 67 votes on Saturday, a second vote would have been needed to prevent him from holding public office again.

A separate recent CNBC poll, the first of Biden’s presidency, has revealed that his government is entering the White House with relatively high approval numbers. By comparing the first surveys of each previous government, the survey showed that Americans gave Biden the highest approval rating among any of the last four presidents.

“If we talk about Donald Trump’s future at the moment, the survey shows that he still has this strong core support in his own party, which really wants him to remain their leader,” said Jay Campbell, a partner of Hart. Research, said. and the Democratic poll for the CNBC poll.

His GOP poll counterpart, Micah Roberts, noted that Trump had previously had a 90 percent approval rate among Republicans, meaning some of his support has waned in recent weeks.

Newsweek reached out to the White House and the national IDP offices on Saturday afternoon for additional remarks.

Former President Donald Trump Phone
US President Donald Trump uses his mobile phone while having a roundtable discussion with governors about the economic reopening of closures due to COVID-19, known as coronavirus, in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, DC, June 18, 2020.
SAUL LOEB / Staff / Getty Images
