The main supermarkets of Miami supermarkets are taking turns to vaccinate against coronavirus

Vista from a supermarket Publix.  EFE / Cristóbal Herrera / Archive
Vista from a supermarket Publix. EFE / Cristóbal Herrera / Archive

The state of Florida is initiating this month on its coronavirus immunization campaign in supermarkets, que desde este viernes ya otorgan turnos para vacunarse. The main distributor of Será Publix, with 730 places, where you can offer a guarantee for a great access to para quienes viven and el sur de la Florida. Geen will be the only chain, but his mayor will be one of the other companies.

To access these doses, individuals should preferably have a quote from day 7 of the month (on this United States) that can be viewed exclusively on the supermarket web page. It is important to clarify that does not accept peddos of turns or in person or through telephone work.

“We are able to burn turns in all of our Florida stores while dealing with pharmacies. We know that it is important for the people to be able to perform their services, and we are determined to be able to expand our capacity to help the community during these times when there are so many needs, ”said Todd Jones, CEO of Publix.

For the past three weeks, the company has been offering a limited number of Florida vacancies and condos like Palm Beach or Monroe. But this is the first time that a massive effort has been made throughout the state, including 136 employees between the Miami-Dade and Broward counties.

EUEU vacancy campaign surpasses 50 million people (REUTERS / Octavio Jones)
The EUEU holiday camp surpasses 50 million people (REUTERS / Octavio Jones)

The electronic turn system is in principle available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays, from the 7th of the month and until the turn is over. The person who desires to make a quote, must enter the web page, select the set of quotes, select Florida, his or her location and choose between the available schedules and locations that will serve you the most. Luego, will receive a confirmation of an e-mail.

Sources consulted by Infobae indicate that the supermarket has not made public the number of vacancies available each week, although it is hoped that this fluctuation will depend on the availability it has in the state. It’s clear that in all supermarkets there is the same number of vacancies every week.

For the moment, Publix will be limited to vacancies only to mayors of 65 years, as indicated by the first stage of the state evacuation plan, the governor Ron DeSantis announced that as of March the intention was to remove the oath of office to a vacancy in 55 years, if pre-existing conditions were met.

Any person who wishes to vacate one of these supermarkets must certify his / her identity with an identity document. In addition, if the vaccine is free, you can have a cost of coexistence that covers medical insurance. For that matter, those who have medical coverage (whether it is private or state) are the ones who live on their safety cards. Those who do not have a medical certificate, can present a valid identity document in Florida or a Social Security number, before receiving their dose if they have a citation.

Además de Publix, Walmart, Win Dixie and Navarro also have their own evacuation system. The plan is that the persons accedan to the vacancy without the need to transfer many beds from their superiors.


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