Ante la escasez de inoculantes, Sanitary authorities in the United Kingdom and Canada decide to postpone the application of the second dose of the vaccine against COVID-19 in order to increase the number of citizens in the risk of complications with the first dose.
In the United States, monthly 40% of adults have received at least one dose of vaccine, but the cases have increased during the fourth week in a row. ‘We know that these increases are, in part, the most highly transmissible variants, which we are monitoring and looking for ”, dijo Rochelle Walensky, directora de los Centers for Control and Prevention of Infected (CDC), during an informative session on Mondays at the White House.
Su advertencia subrayó la preoccupation de Anthony Fauci, the most important expert in infected diseases of the government of the United States, of which the stadiums need to receive both doses of vacancies manufactured by Pfizer and Modern in time, to increase the number of these places has allowed the United Kingdom to accelerate through the EUEU in the evacuation career.
For the specialist, withdrawing a second dose of vaccine powder puts people in a “zone zone” of risk of contracting a more contagious coronavirus variant. Al doctor Fauci the concern that the people who did not have the “total impact” of two doses of vacancies will be peligrosamente kwesbare a la Infection with variant which debilitates the effects of the anticursors.
In the United Kingdom, the second dose of vacancies manufactured by Pfizer o AstraZeneca you can retrieve up to 12 weeks. The strategy was controversial when it was first introduced by the Allies, but has assisted the United Kingdom in concluding that the case of its population has some level of protection with one or more doses of vaccine.
At this moment, Fauci review and includes criticism of the United Kingdom for implementing the strategy not tried (although lies echoing in its speeches). Pero el lunes dijo que do not have a “correct or incorrect” strategy when taking the dose. “There are different influences and different opinions”, reconciliation.
“We are preoccupied, and we are preoccupied with what when the level of protection is observed after a single dose, it can be determined that it is 80%, but there is something like that an 80% tenue, because of the level of, for example, neutralizing anticoagulants against the coronavirus, when the days in a single dose, the question is, how long? “, question the expert.
The investigation published the most recent case that the risk of contraindication COVID-19 after a first dose of Pfizer or Modern vacancies is reduced by approximately 80% inside of the two posterior semen and its first injection. A second dose is administered to these individuals one of the following weeks, depending on whether they receive the vaccine Pfizer, which has a dosing regimen with an interval of three weeks, or the Modern, which has to manage four weeks.
It is not clear which protagonists will be present with a single dose after that second week. And with the variants in circulation, each element of protection. Doses of each of the vacancies follow protecting against the evasion variants of the vacancy of Brazil and South Africa. But the anticoagulants generated by these vacancies are between two and six weeks less effective in binding to the protein of the pea that allows the coronavirus to enter human cells.
Enttones, in the opinion of Dr. Fauci, can not choose the pen corrects the risk of becoming more personal with only a first dose for a longer time. None of the variants are common in the EUUU, so the probabilities that the stadiums are located are their own.
Hasta ahora, la South African variant and the Brazil variant represent each one less than 0.05% of COVID-19 cases in the EUU, following the following Outbreak.info. However, it is sometimes more contagious that the ‘salvage-type’ virus, and the experts say that only the most frequent vomit.
Recently, a scientific study conducted by Canadian researchers was conducted at the second dose post-presentation. can involve mayor’s huge increase in COVID-19 cuts in the future. The studio is published in the magazine Science conducted by researchers at Princeton, Harvard, Columbia, and United States National Institutes of Health, Montreal, Mc Gill, Canada, Oxford University, and the United Kingdom Wellcome Trust, and the University of Sydney of Australia.
Although work is mainly focused on the vehicles of Pfizer / BioNTech, Moderna and Oxford / AstraZeneca, the investigators clarify that the results “are generalizable in all platforms”. “Various countries, between them the United Kingdom and Canada, have declared that they will return the second dose of vacancies against the COVID-19 and respond to the summit of ministers, also with the intention of rapidly increasing the number of immunized persons”, explanation Chadi Saad-Roy, who works in the Departments of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) and Quantitative and Computational Biology at the Lewis-Sigler Institute of Princeton and is the principal author of the study.
“The original clinical trials of the vacancies, more than the posterior epidemiology, are very optimistic about the efficacy of the first dose. Prohibition of probes, we will be able to persevere to a large extent in the protection and duration of the administration of a single dose (or the complete dose course or the natural infection, in reality) ”, aggregated Saad-Roy.
The studio found that a dose can not be sufficient. Identify that the strategies of having a single dose can, as is hoped, reduce the number of cases in short order to immunize more quickly than a mayor number of individuals. Prohibition of probes, if the humanitarian responses of the persons despised by a dose their least robust, the posterior epidemic fractures may be major.
Other important results associated with imperfect munitions repairs is the potential for viral munitions escape, advises investigators. To gain access to this complete question, the authors adapt an anterior model to the viral munitions escape, developed by the authors Bryan Grenfell, Oliver G. Pybus and Edward C. Holmes, together with other colleagues who do not participate in the current work.
“I have surpassed at least one variant that can be adapted to escape individually from the community”, señaló el dokter Holmes. “The simple theory underpins that evolution and transmission of variants on the part of infected humans with intermediate levels of immunity can be important. For this, the power and the duration of the administration, and in particular the effect of states in the transmission, its key parameters to determine “, aggregate Grenfell.
An intuitive halo that unlocks the document is that The many cases of administration of the vacancy can be associated with a mayor number of cases y, possibly, has a potential higher elevation of virus adaptation. ‘Esto It will further reduce the importance of an equitable distribution of the vaccine at the global level, and that the immunological escape in one place will be extended rapidly ”, explain Jessica Metcalf, coauthor of work, who invests in the Princeton Public and International School of Education.
In the studio published in Science, the scientists write: “In the lodges in which the distribution of the vaccine is withdrawn and the bags of vaccination are low, our results are subtracted the consequent epidemiological and negative evolutionary consequences that can occur. In particular, dado que estas consequences (for example, the evolution of new variants) podrían surgir como globalas problems, this subraya the urgent need for a global equity in the distribution and administration of the vaccine ”.