The magazine Variety califica a la Argentine-estadounidense Anya Taylor-Joy como mujer de colour y enfurece and sus fans

Verskeidat eliminated the paragraph in question and in a phrase in the final text of the text that the article was modified to receive a critique.

Argentine-Estadoun actress Anya Taylor-Joy, who won the Globe de Oro as the best miniseries actress on TV for her paper in ‘Gambito de dama’, was identified in the Variety magazine as ‘female of color’, lo que ha enfurecido a sus fans, informa Daily Dot.

Variety of dedication to Taylor-Joy a text about the award, in which he writes: “The Taylor-Joy Argentine is considered to be the first woman to color in this category since the late Queen Latifah passed away in 2008. Además, es the fifth female color in consecration since 1982, when the category was included in the prizes. S. Epatha Merkerson, Halle Berry and Alfre Woodard made the other winners “.

Varios-aanhangers hicieron not to the magazine that no podio colocar to the actress between the african american mentions. She is identified as a white Latina. Weaken the variety eliminate this paraffin and submitted in a phrase at the end of the text that the article was modified.

“Anya Taylor-Joy can be white + white! She is not a person of color and will mark her victory as she is really rare for Variety”, wrote a Twitter user.

In addition, many fans of Taylor-Joy mention an article by Aasvoël, published in 2018, the actress habló of his Latin identity and the “extraña mezcla” the crecer in Argentina antes de emigrar al Reino Unido, pero nunca se beskrywing a if you like a color mug.

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