The love story between Sadie and Chase Smith, the young man who has cancer | Telemundo

Chase and Sadie Smith were arrested one year ago, only one day after they entered because they had cancer while they had been fighting since they were 13 years old and extended their lives. The doctors put it between three and five months of life.

Ewing’s sarcoma than tenia, a rare type of cancer that is produced in the esophagus or in the mixed tissue around them, the habían dejaron the skull and the cerebrum lleno of tumors.

Contra todo prognostic, vivieron 11 months together.

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Aquel 29 April in which sell your votes are barred between laws and giants. And there is a promising navraagbaar: pass juntos every moment that quedara a el de vida.

Chase and Sadie go to bed at the entrance of the house of her fathers, then she will have her first six months ago.

If he hicieron novios el ultimo año del bachillerato. The first one is that there is a national encounter in which the schools participate in the ones that iban. She was a lover, she, a beggar.

When the doctors hiccuped the fatal prognosis, Chase told her that Sadie had not been to the hospital for a long time and that she had not even spent a single minute with her. Sadie le dijo que pensaba lo mismo.

During the day, Sadie was standing next to Chase in the bed, with the cabbage on his back, abrasive. Estaban at his home in Bargersville, Indiana, moenie Chase wants to spend his last moments.

In the most difficult moments, while fighting against the dollar, she decides that she should help. “It’s all over the place that I’ll have a good time and I’m gonna love this lucha,” said Sadie.

Moments before Chase had to flee to talk to Sadie for the last time, she whispered: “If you know how much I care, you should not worry about it. I love you so much”.

Chase and Sadie Smith in their boda, hace un año.Marci and Christy Photography

Antes de morir, fue él quien la consoló a ella.

“Me dijo: ‘Te amo. Preocúpate 0%”, contó Sadie al periódico IndyStar.

Chase murió the past 4 April of 2021 in the spring. Tenía 19 years.

“It’s the car and the salt has just entered the gates of the sky and given its ultimate alienation,” Sadie assured.

Since then, the consulate has not been easy, she confessed.

“Hy perdido la mitad de mi corazón, a mi mejor amigo, a mi todo”, aseguró Sadie.

“Our love was so deep and passionate that we could never express ourselves with words. Chase fue y siempre será mi alma gemela“, aggregate.

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In honor of him, and because he liked the hiccup that he hiccuped, Sadie competed in the Champion of Buceo of the Horizontal League on April 5th. Towards the highest score in the preliminary competitions and the highest scores of the season.

Sadie summed up exactly 24 hours after Chase’s death.

“If he does not want to know more than he is buceara”, says Sadie. “Si hubiera fallado, se habría enojado mucho conmigo. Así que fui. Y lo hice por él”, agregó.

With information from IndieStar on USA Today.
