The love of Christian Nodal antes de Belinda: TikTok user assures that she inspires the song “Te fallé”

The joven relates various details of the romance that vivió con the cantante sonorense (Foto: Christian Nodal)
The joven relates various details of the romance that vivió con the cantante sonorense (Foto: Christian Nodal)

Antes del mediático romance que Christian Nodal protagoniza con Belinda, tuvo otro gran amor, una joven de nombre Fernanda and that he had to compose one of his greatest excites, You fell, the cual related the intense novelty that ended with an infidelity of the sonorous song.

The history of this theme was related by Lisa Fernanda Macías who assured, through the muse of the ex coach of La voz Mexico, because of its social networks recorded the tornado romance he had witnessed in the song of the singer who had been raping her until she was 21 years old.

From his account of TikTok, the young man found out that his relationship with Nodal ended with infidelity, and that at a distance, he presented his life with his ex-partner.

“Is Ubican the song Te Noldal’s song? … basically Christian hizo this song for me. It tells the story of what happened between us. And nothing, effectively Christian Nodal fell with me”, Commenzó su relat hace unos días cuando también mostró photographs as evidence.

This confession contains the various criticisms of Lisa Fernanda, for which the comments on his videos and the impulse to tell more details of his amorous life to the lads of the famous Mexican singer.

Between the relationship with Macías, it is clear that both young people are known when they study the upper middle level and they have the impulse to follow their sounds in music, just as their relationship ends in good terms.

“I love his music, the songs he loves to read, the much he loves music. Me decía ‘no sé qué estoy haciendo en la escuela, yo quiero cantar, lo mío es la música’. It’s safe! Yo le decía ‘Christian, primero termina la prepa’ … Yo lo ayudaba muchísimo”, Commented on a series of videos shared on his TikTok account.

“It was a good stage that was very popular with him. Yo le di su oportunidad … pero, él siempre me lo dijo ‘yo tengo un problema y soy muy cabr * ny mi debilidad son las mujeres’”, Lisa Fernanda added to confirm that his relationship ended with a Christian infidelity.

The TikTok user account will correct the rupture and will take the decision to remove its fireplaces because it does not allow an Asian product.

Además recorded the occasion in which the same Christian Nodal confessed to the periodist Gustavo Adolfo Infante the story of the famous song, Te fallé, and came the one of the coincidences in this year.

(Photo: TikTok)
(Photo: TikTok)

Lisa Fernanda points out that some serious friends have heard that Nodal conspired with his family and passed away with a message on a social network: “When I end up with my culprit because of the most infamous he is and there are some of the things that hurt me. Hasta ahora se ve elval de las personas y sé que real quedan pocas, gracias por apoyarme, dado cariño y siempre intentar volverme mejor persona. I promise that the value ”.

The young man accepted that this message from his ex-wife made him feel “super good” because of his record of human quality.

Following this intense love affair with Christian Nodal, the singer demonstrated that he had a serious relationship with Belinda and that the demonstrator had one day, celebrating six months of formal innovation.

Travels of a video the couple shared a video with his impressions at this time. “Many thanks to all for the congratulations of six months, many of us,” said Oodal. Thank you very much, we have seen his videos, we have all commented and thanked him for his good wishes, friends. Goodbye ”, the ruby ​​interpreted.


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