The Last Matanza in United States – Column by Sergio Muñoz Bata – Columnists – Opinion

Last week, a 21-year-old white man recorded the calls from Atlanta, Georgia, searching for his victims. It took place in three massage parlors and also housed people, six of them were Asian women.

The assesino confeso, Robert Aaron Long, verklaar ‘sexual addiction’ and describes his crime as an exorcism for ‘acabar con la tentación’. It is known that he was previously visited at least by massage parlors.

And if the hiccups of violence are associated with frequency in that country, each time a new wave of violence strikes the heart of that aberration.

The conjugations about the possible motive of this case turn in turn to the poles with which the engine is the audio. The assignment is based on religious reasons or on the basis of his association with the Asian community or on xenophobia, preferably through misogyny. The quiz is for a combination of some of these motives.

Attacks on religious grounds are central to attacks on Jewish temples against anti-Semitism. También for extravagados que matan en nombre del Islam. In this case, it appears that the matar decision was made on personal grounds. The church to which Long had been asked to declare his explanation.

In the Asian community it comes as a case of audio race. Another large list of agravios on the contrary from its arrival in the United States. The mediators of Sail XIX, a case of the Supreme Court of Justice, that impediment to the Asian origin people testify against a white person, is translated as guaranteeing that no white person is serious about being violated by an Asian.

During the Second World War, the prejudice against his community overcomes the conflict in his leadership and miles of stadiums of Japanese origin were held in concentration camps near the possible suspense, without any evidence, that he would be a traitor to the country.

The Atlanta massacre is part of a new phase of attacks in its counter-initiation in 2019, citing the pandemic, which has caused more than 3,800 audio crimes against people of Asian descent. Just from the moment Trump blamed China for estrangement over coronavirus and with the arrogant adolescent’s displeasure with what is disgusting, Trump spoke of the pandemic such as “the Chinese virus”, “the virus Kung Fu “.

Another interpretation is that xenophobia could also be a determining factor. Experience shows us that it often sounds like a minority community extends to members of other color communities that process landscapes in Europe. Racism and xenophobia have always been commonplace, and this fusion of odies replicates the history of the country.

Not much has happened, another white young man, Texan 21 years old, autonomous brand protector of the white race, 11 hours without time to go to El Paso, Texas, with the deliberate proposal to eat Mexican. Paradoxically, of the 22 dead, only Mexican eran.

Otra teoría herhaal ‘otra facet del feminicidio. According to a psychologist at the University of Georgia, Long has been forced to die by getting sick of these diseases. As such, this case responds to the old and malignant idea that women should be punished for the feelings they desire in men.

The world, creo yo, is that this crime is situated in the intersection of various ideological variants and can be easily denounced. Without embarrassment, note that the problem of audio crimes against racial prejudices, xenophobic or misogynistic data and that there is a very difficult resolution should not be immobilized. If you are fighting to log your eradication, do not import any amount of time.

