The last hour in EE UU, in vivo | Pence offered his assistance to Kamala Harris | US Elections

The Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, this four.
The Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, this four.Matt Slocum / AP

Vice President Mike Pence and who will be his successor, Kamala Harris, will maintain a telephone contact with these women. Although no details of the conversation are known, según The New York Times Congratulations to Harris and the offer of assistance in a dialogue described as “courtesy”.

Pence has announced that he will attend the mandate transfer ceremony, the next 20 years, while the president-elect will be leaving Washington on Wednesday, just in time for the inauguration ceremony. Trump will travel to Mar-a-Lago in Florida, where plans will be transferred to Casa Blanca.

Biden has secured these fires at a press line that it is “convenient” for its Governor to be able to administer 100 million vacancies in the first 100 days. “If the question is to the majority of the people today, no one will decide who will be evacuated exactly. What they say is that there are tens of millions of vaccine doses administered to all country police officers, while the people who need and need the vaccine can not get it, ”the Democrat assured the presidency. de enero.

During the same day, it was reported that the FBI was investigating 37 people in connection with the death during agent Brian Sicknick’s call. Following an information obtained by the diary The New York Times, the FBI also states that some of the participants have the same goal as investigators and assess the legislators.

The FBI and the rest of the intelligence and security agencies are at maximum alert for the possibility of attempts or fraud during Biden’s investment, the nearest commercial front to the Capitol and the White House. Washington permanently blinded ante possible incidents.
