The “judgment” that Belinda and Christian Nodal hiccuped in their octave of relationship

Belinda and Christian Nodal will be celebrating their octave with their most beloved novices ever; a romantic vibe and a “love sentence”, the petition of a hippo, but she says first “el anillo”.

The artists share with their followers in a live stream that hiccupes through Instagram, where they will be loved later and before the insistence of the fans about having ten to have a hijo, the actress dijo that he wants to make “antigua”, first the angel, the body and then the baby.

Belinda pidió a Christian jurar ante sus spectatores nunca terminarían su relación. “Hago este juramento frente al ritual y frente a los fans de que nunca, nunca vamos a terminar”, dijo Nodal mientras entrelazaba su dedo menik con el de Belinda.

After reading the statement to Belinda “I would like to ask for all the life”, Belinda responded with a “yo también” and started singing the theme Amor Eterno de Rocío Dúrcal.

During his trial, the song is approved by the romantic moment to perform one of the most famous songs during his participation in “Friends Forever”, for which he sang at the nod to Nodal “Love Pact”.

The relationship of the artists commenced when both coaches and coaches of “La Voz Kids” and although many speculated that there was a strategy of the program to subdue the ratings, the time was set to echo by their rumors.
