The JCE will announce the order of the ball

The plenum of the Junta Central Electoral (JCE) will meet at 10:00 am on the eve of Wednesday with a unique item on its agenda, announce the opinions and counterpositions of the different political parties in order to decide what to do. the order of the ballot paper and will distribute the economic resources assigned to the State.

Through a press release, the JCE recorded the parties, organizations and political reconciliation movements, which at 2:00 a.m. on the last day the place was taken by this institution for which they issue opinions, observations or counter-positions, about the order that will be occupied in the ballots for the next elections of 2024. Last week, the plenary had at its regular administrative session of the 6th year of solicitation to the parties with their opinions on the subject and the place to go step to emit the same.

One of the parties that could be more affected or benefited by the decision to take over from the JCE is the Fuerza del Pueblo, which was sued by its deputy political delegate, Javier Hubiera, was limited to deciding that “the numerical order of the Parties in the electoral ballot must meet the same criteria applied to the distribution of the State’s economic resources ”.

Regarding the distribution of economic resources, it is stated that the Puerb del Pueblo has “made” the proposal made by the Permanent Forum of Political Parties in the Dominican Republic.
