The Izquierda Koop to the Calle in Brazil to Ask Bolsonaro

Various demonstrations in the main cities of Brazil and this Saturday launched a lawsuit against the president, Jair Bolsonaro, an impulsive movement by parties and organizations of Izquierda.

In Brazil, the demonstration convened mainly by the Workers’ Party and the Communist Party of Brazil occupied a ten-kilometer zone past the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, according to the Brazilian file ‘Folha de Sao Paulo’.

The president of the PT, Gleisi Hoffmann, took part in the Brazilian protest and argued in his intervention that a lawsuit against Bolsonaro would not generate political instability. “The instability is with this grave crisis”, he argued.

He also had protests against Bolsonaro in Rio de Janeiro or Recife, while in Sao Paulo the demonstration took place near the seat of the State Legislative Assembly and covered the distance that separates the center of the city.

In Belo Horizonte the city has been in front of Estadio Mineirão y in Salvador has a team of vehicles that has reunited with 500 coaches.

Other formations of the opposition for the most conservative tent, such as the Movement Brazil Free (MBL) or Ven For the Calle he summoned his followers for the home.

Following a poll published this Saturday by ‘Folha de Sao Paulo’, 40 per cent of the population consider the management of the epidemic by Bolsonaro to be less than, up to 32 per cent of the previous survey, carried out in December .

However, 53 per cent of Brazilians do not believe that the Chamber of Deputies will open a criminal redress process against the mandate.
