The Italian doctor accused of feeding patients with COVID-19 to release beds: the messages that he delights and an inquisitive interviewer

Carlo Mosca era jefe de Emergencias del Montichiari hospital
Carlo Mosca era jefe de Emergencias del Montichiari hospital

A medicine accused of deliberately administer a lethal anesthetic overdose to patients with covid-19 to free hospital beds collapsed during the first oil of the pandemic in Italy is being investigated since the beginning of the month and continues in home detention.

If there are any medical reports that he has been obliged to choose which patients treat according to their recovery possibilities in the middle of the sanitary collapse, it is clear that this is the first time that a medicine is needed that can equate to euthanasia during the pandemic.

Carlo Mosca, of 47 years, jefe de Urgencias del Hospital de Montichiari, near Brescia, in the north of Italy, there was a domestic arrest, accused of voluntary homicide. It was accused of provoking the death of two patients, aged 61 and 80, al prescribe an excessive amount of analgesics and muscle relaxants that are normally used when patients require intubation.

The deadly deaths in March, when the coronavirus swept north of Italy. The inquest into the series of deaths at the hospital has been initiated by the condition of the empiree patients of the repentant and onverklaarb manner.

According to investigators, various hospital workers commented on the excessive use of drugs. succinilcolina y propofol, the “treatment” used by Mosca. These drugs, with anesthetic effect, are used in patients who need to be intubated. Its disproportionate use can provoke respiratory failure, causing a cardiac arrest and death.

The messages that I accuse

In the midst of the evidence gathered, the WhatsApp messages that the hospital nurses are exchanging will be found. “Geen puedo aceptar matar pasientes solo porque quiere liberar camas”, say one. ‘I am in agreement, I am here ”, another answer.

In another conversation, a nurse revealed that she was detained by a medical officer “To limit the number of deaths”.

Carlo Mosca era jefe de Emergencias del Montichiari hospital
Carlo Mosca era jefe de Emergencias del Montichiari hospital

One of the nurses also took a photo of the drugs used by Mosca and the review by WhatApp and a colleague. Read the question if Mosque the habitation prescribed some time that administers these medicines: “It seems like it’s not what I think is normal for all of them. written.

The colleague responded that Mosca was the pedophile who administered his medicines to various patients, but when he was denied, he recommended to the doctor his hospitalization and that “Todavía has beds available”.

Tres cuerpos fueron exhumados para realized a autopsy and toxicological tests; af at least one case is informed that there are suspiciously high levels of sedation. The police investigators say that the patients are not included in the patient records, as was the case of those who actually need the antesubstantiation of intubation. Dijeron que the medical practice will also be accused of falsifying official documents.

The police say that the administration of medicines has caused a “Lethal respiratory depression” in patients. The arrest of the doctor, took place on the 25th of January, need to avoid reiterating the crime or interfering with the evidence.

Mosca’s driving was aggravated by haber pedido reiteradamente, antes de administrarle las sustancias, that the dejaran alone with the patients que pronto morirían. Además, to enter the investigation, insto a sus colaborate ‘n declare el falso.

The current medical “No debit inviolable ligereza, imprudencia o inexperiencia onverskoopbaar” sino “With full conscience of the presuppositions of his product” and with “lawillad de matar”, dijo la jueza Angela Corvi.

The cases investigated

Carlo Mosca is accused of provoking the death of two patients: Natale Bassi y Angelo Paletti, falls between the 20th and the 22nd of March. In the first case, in agreement with the investigators, the victim was not in serious condition as to die in a square of five minutes, as a crime of Moscow’s intervention. Sondeverbod, on the eve of the 20th, Bassi tuvo a respiratory crisis. The doctor Mosca pidio to the nurses that the succinilcolina trajeran and “Only dejaran in the housing with the victim”. Bassi murió poco tiempo despuys y otro médico medical writing in the clinical history that the death was caused by “A cardiac card repentino”. This medicine included is shown by the designer and says that “under normal conditions, I was given a diagnostic test ”.

A patient at a UCI of Lodi Hospital, in northern Italy, in November 2020 (REUTERS / Flavio Lo Scalzo)
A patient at a UCI of Lodi Hospital, in northern Italy, in November 2020 (REUTERS / Flavio Lo Scalzo)

In the case of the second victim, also in this case the autopsy revealed that one “Severe respiratory depression” is caused by the same drugs used by Bassi. The investigators afirman que Mosca also falsified the clinical history, in order to show conditions much more graft than those in which the victim is found. Hecho, the informer of the emergency services service that “El señor Paletti estaba consciente”, hablaba and can not be classified as “a moribund patient”.

For investigators, if the medicine is not administered by the drug, patients likely to have hubieran death.

Other “three abnormal deaths” are under investigation. Mosque, for its part, does not accept charges.

“Everywhere you look today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is flowing.

In the midst of the accusations, a circular was circulated in an interview conducted by Moscow in June., in the que record the moments of the health crisis in March, when the investigators screened the patients.

The cabeza always works daily in the hospital, in the patients, in what they have to do

In this interview with the diary Corriere della Sera, Mosque said that each day was a battle “Para intentionar salvar la burgemeester cantidad de vidas possible” y recorded the agotamiento of these days: “In the case of a fire in the house after the news and the media of the night. A veces ni siquiera llamaba. The cabeza always grows in the hospital, in the patients, in what it has to do ”.

Mosque also assures that these semen of lucha against the covid-19 lo habían market as seguía listening to the oxygen of the oxygenated patients in intensive therapy: “Everything is clear, including now that it’s all covered.”


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