The Israelites extract the assumptions from black holes to pick up the signal from the distant galaxy

Israeli researchers have picked up radio emissions from a distant galaxy, which they say could radically change the way black holes behave.

When stars get close to black holes, they run the risk of being torn apart. If so, much of the material is expected to be consumed through the black hole, in a process that is expected to take place within a few days and take several weeks.

But physicists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Tel Aviv suggest the possibility of an as yet unexplained process that causes some black holes to run for months or years before devouring the last remnants of a destroyed star.

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“There seems to be a physical process that we do not yet understand, which causes a long delay between the destruction of the star and the black hole that the material uses,” said Assaf Horesh, a physicist at the Hebrew University. , told The Times of Israel.

Illustration of a star torn by a black hole. The star remains are then applied to the black hole. (Elen11 via iStock by Getty Images)

The peer-reviewed journal Nature Astronomy has just published the research by Horesh, Iair Arcavi of Tel Aviv University and NASA Swift Space Telescope Director Brad Cenko. After observing optical radiation in 2015 by destroying a star in a galaxy 700 million light-years away, they began looking for radio emissions and expected to detect them for a short time.

After the destruction of a star, physicists believe that it is common for material to enter the black hole that caused its death. As part of this process, other materials are forced away by rays caused by magnetic fields around the black hole. As it is thrown back at a high speed, it can create shock waves that cause radio emissions.

3D version of a black hole (Philipp Tur via iStock by Getty Images)

Scientists have experience detecting it immediately after a star’s destruction on Earth is observable, but Horesh and his colleagues eventually broke new ground by detecting emissions over a four-year period.

“We saw optical radiation after the star was destroyed, and no radio emissions for months after that,” said Horesh, a lead author of the new research. “We decided to give it one last shot we thought. Suddenly, six months later, there was radio emissions, which disappeared for a year. ‘

Diagram showing time scale for detecting radio releases by Israeli researchers after the destruction of a star. (Thanks to Dr. Assaf Horesh, Dr. Iair Arcavi, et al.)

“Then, four years after the first observation, we found that there was once again a very strong signal.”

He said the research suggests that the period during which a black hole consumes material from a star and throws back other material – which generates radio emissions in the process – is more “and somewhat more chaotic” than previously assumed. He added that his team wants to expand their research by identifying more radio broadcasts from different galaxies.

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