The island of San Vicente is still watering during a volcanic eruption

The island of San Vicente is now committed to the contamination of volcanic cents and requires tens of millions of dollars to recover from the settlement of the volcano La Soufrière, estimates of the Caribbean nation.

Between 16,000 and 20,000 residents have been evacuated from the northern part of the island where the volcano is located, and more than 3,000 are already in some 80 state hostels.

“We want to make public leaders,” said Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves at a press conference.

No reports have been received of the incident from the firefighter’s and “we have to deal with what is happening here”, Gonsalvez said. It was reported that some people had refused to leave the area near the volcano, as the evacuation process began.

It is estimated that the country will need millions of dollars to recover from the eruption, albeit with no details.

The cenizas and the pyroclastic flux have destroyed cushions and contaminated water stains. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Island, Garth Saunders, indicated that he had communes that he was committed to.

Authorities are in the process of unloading cistern trucks for “the eastern coast is the mayor’s challenge that we have”, the minister said at a press conference.

The recommendation:

“What we are summing up is a limited amount, at some point we will agree,” he added.

The Prime Minister announced that some residents of the hostels had water and food supplies, and that the nations were invited to send nurses like camellias, respiratory masks and water bottles. The World Bank has issued a free interest statement of 20 million dollars as part of a disaster recovery program.

Adam Billing, a retired policeman who waited for his cats near the colossus, related that he had more than 1,200 hectares (3 acres) of flat, sweet potatoes and other cats and that probably lost 9,000 dollars.

“All my support has disappeared”, expressed Fakturering. “We will see what happens next month, it will not be easy to repair”, added.

The volcano, which has been experiencing low-level activity since December, is experiencing the first of several important explosive fires on Monday, and volcanologists say the activity could continue for weeks.

If there is another explosion on Tuesday in the morning, another huge column of money will be sent to the air. An eruption in 1902 killed 1,600 people.

No effect in Puerto Rico zone

The National Meteorological Service of San Juan informs that it is not expected that the eruption of the volcano La Soufrière will have any impact on the zone of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands of the United States. It is indicated that the humble sky that is observed today must be reminiscent of a cape of the Sahara powder. (Metro Puerto Rico)
