The ironic commentary that Mike Pompeo denies the allegations of Iranian chancellor Javad Zarif

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at the National Press Club, Washington, DC, March (Andrew Harnik / Pool via REUTERS)
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at the National Press Club, Washington, DC, March (Andrew Harnik / Pool via REUTERS)

Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State of the European Union, announced this March that Iran is the new “base of operations” for the red Qieda and provoked one new reaction from Iranian chancellor Javad Zarif, who wrote on his Twitter account that the head of diplomacy is terminating “in a pathetic manner his disastrous career with more mentions”, making an allusion to what his mandate concludes the next 20 when Joe Biden joins the White House.

Pompeo has been echoing this comment from Zarif’s comment posted this Tuesday at 15:42 GMT and recorded another cancellation on March 25, 2020 that said: One is asked if it is the Secretary of State or the Secretary of Audio. No amount of ‘trolling’ will ever pass on its infamous policies and economic terrorism, killing the ignorant and impeding the global loop against terrorism ”.

“I know you are the angel of the angel when he succeeds”, Pompeo’s irony in his recent resignation led to the capture of Zarif’s indictment, claiming that the criticisms of the Iranian chancellor demonstrating that his behavior was acceptable.

Pompeo's comment on Zarif's accusations
Pompeo’s comment on Zarif’s accusations

In a speech before the National Press Club, in Washington, the Secretary of State of the EEU will meet this March in Iran to be “the new central seat” of Al Qaeda and maintain strict guidelines with the terrorist group. It assures that the Islamic Republic has converted into a more important refuge than Afghanistan for al Qaeda terrorists, while Tehran has refused.

También also defined this alliance as “a massive force for all to see in the world” and also tried to increase Tehran’s international pressure, even if it did not justify defending a military force. “If we choose to use this option, there will be many more executed series,” said Pompeo.

“No engañan a nadie”, Zarif responded to his Twitter account. “All the terrorist vines” of the “destinations” in Medio Oriente “favorites” of Pompeo, in allusion to Saudi Arabia -the majority of the perpetrators of the September 11, 2001 attacks on Saudi origins-.

“From the design of Cuba [como Estado que apoya el terrorismo] to the accusations [contra Irán] about Al Qaeda ”, Pompeo“ the term of a pathetic way to have a disastrous career with more mentions ”, añadió Zarif en su tuit sober la denuncia in Washington.

Zarif's tuit is this March that Pompeo denounces that Iran is
Zarif’s tweet is this March that Pompeo denounces that Iran is the “operating base” of Al Qaeda

Pompeo announces sanctions against five Al Qaeda terrorists who allegedly operated by Iran or its allies, in addition to a compensation of 7 million dollars for information that lives on in the capture of a leader of this group that operates superstitiously from the Persian country, Mohamed Abbatay, also known as Abdelramán al Maghrebi.

Last November, the diary The New York Times ensure that the number of Al Qaeda is assigned to Iran, as the Iranian authorities do not provide energy.

When the New York Times Al Masri’s death information, some terrorism experts report Possibility of Iranian hubiera acceded to accommodate Al Qaeda terrorists with a guarantee of not attacking its territory.

The Iranian diplomat, Mohamad Yavad Zarif.  EFE / Marina Villén / Archive
The Iranian diplomat, Mohamad Yavad Zarif. EFE / Marina Villén / Archive

In November, Iran categorically denied that Al Masri was living in its territory and kept the information from “Intentions of the Blanca House”, although Trump’s mandate has unleashed a strategy of maximum economic and diplomatic pressure on Tehran.

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, is expected to regain the nuclear deal signed in 2015 between Iran and its six major powers, which Trump withdrew from the EU in 2018, despite the confirmation of Iranian authorities that uranium is being produced 20%, as viola the pact, can complicate this process.

With AFP information on EFE

Read more:

Mike Pompeo denounces Persian regime terrorists: “Al Qaeda has a new base, the Islamic Republic of Iran”

“Production is stable”: The Iranian regime confirms that it enriches uranium by 20% and warns that powder can improve this umbrella “easily”
