The INVI will be Minister of Life and Public Works taking on another role

The National Institute of Living (INVI) is being transformed into the Ministry of Living and Editing, while the Ministry of Public Works will only be responsible for infrastructures, as it recommends specialists and international bodies.

The information was leaked by President Luis Abinader in a press conference with representatives of his economic team and various ministers.

The President of the Presidency, Lisandro Macarrulla, ensures that the liquidation and restructuring process of some of the State’s institutions is “in good order”.

Dijo que lexima semana un segundo grupo de unas 50 obras pasarán de la OISOE (Oficina Supervisora ​​de Obras del Estado), entidad que va a desaparecer, a Obras Public.

Aggregate that in the other institutions make adjustments to all quede in the market of the ley. Indicated that the first quarter of this year concludes the liquidation process.


The current director of the National Institute of Living (INVI), Carlos Bonilla, and the team of professionals who managed the current management, led the new Ministry of Living and Edification.
