The insecurity of no impediment to the Haitians celebrating the Holy Week

Members of the Catholic religions and Haitian vultures will celebrate these holidays in Santa Claus with a pergration to the mountains of Puerto Príncipe in the midst of the high climate of insecurity that prevails in the country.

During the procession, some people carry their passports to summon the helpers to log a visa. The members vudús llevaban velas y algunos de ellos iban vestidos de azul y blanco.

Los peregrinos rezaban y cantaban. Many pedian to the divisions intercede to log his matrimony, concede a hijo or alcanzar richza, including, protection for them mismos, sus hijos and familiar.

The peregrination of Viernes Santo also allows people to load stones. It seems that some of the peregrinos he decided to sleep in the hut until the term of the Semana Mayor.

The Catholics also organize the crucifixion during the day. Various times it will be detuvieron a rezar y cantar.

In the cities of the province, festivals are held throughout the week at the end of the week, in which religious rhythms take place, a rhythm of religious riots with instruments such as the congresses and the fairs, which traditionally disrupt hundreds of people.

During the week, outpatient vendors are waiting for the reduction of sales in public markets due to the economic crisis affecting Haitian families. On April 1st and 2nd, Haiti’s official days were officially closed.

These celebrations take place in a context in which Haiti encounters a significant increase in the climate of insecurity, in particular, through the renewal of war between armed bands and the increase in security cases.

The nightmare of these Juventus Christian Adventist Churches has been followed by a cult cult directly to Facebook through Carrefour, in the heart of Puerto Príncipe.

The sequel video, which was widely circulated on social media, sent a huge indignation among the Haitians who were desperate.

The movie shows the atrocities being committed while trying to escape while a man with a wide arm pulls the trigger in the transmission scenario and obliges him to march with him.
