The indigenous political presidency Salvador Franco murmured for lack of medical attention in a sentence of Maduro’s regime

Salvador Franco
Salvador Franco

La ONG The Criminal Court denounced the death by failing to pay medical attention to the indigenous ethnic group Salvador Franco, detained in the 2019 finals for its alleged involvement in a military quarter in the country and considered by the opposition as a ” political policy ”of the regime of Nicolás Maduro.

Fue como a las 8.00 de la manana (12.00 GMT), faleció en la infermería del Internado Judicial El Rodeo. Fueron sus familiares quienes nos informaron ”, said to Efe the National Coordinator of the Indigenous Peoples of the Criminal Forum, Olnar Ortiz. Ortiz added that the health problems of Franco estaban documented and that un had been competing in terrorism had been ordered to the finals of November passed before being transferred to a hospital for his salute to be taken, as finally no cure.

“We hope that the Ministry will approve it (for the transfer)”, said Ortiz. “But we are not satisfied with the authorization of the Ministry of Prisons or the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples,” he said.

A medical informant of the prison, Franco is diagnosed with anemia and has a high content of plaques, two of which Ortiz attributes to a possible “nutrition”.

Asimismo, the National Coordinator of Indigenous Peoples of the Penal Forum said in Efe that, in addition, Franco presented “sins” of covid-19 and sufrió during months of gastrointestinal illnesses related to the insanity of the recent penitentiary. “In the last months we lost quite a few pounds”, aseveró.

Franco was released in December 2019, having been accused of participating in the military war with a military quarter in Bolívar’s state on the 22nd of this year. In the attack, dijo in January 2020 the General Prosecutor of Venezuela, Tarek Saab, the asaltantes cargaron con “131 fusiles, 9 canons, 5 lanzagranadas, 5 escopetas, 2 ametralladores, 209 grenadas, 99 bayonetas and miles de cartuchos con municiones para todas estas armas ”.

As a result, 18 people were killed, 13 people were killed and five were killed.

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We condemn the deaths due to the torture of the Venezuelan political leader Pemón Salvador Franco. Another crime of the dictatorship in Venezuela. Our condolences to his family and friends “, wrote the OEA Secretary General, Luis Almagro, in his Twitter account.

Leopoldo López también recurrió to his Twitter account and responsible for the regime. “In Salvador the negro has the right to salute; a pesar de tener una orden del tribunal le negaron el traslado a un hospital. Maduro and his cuerpos represent siguen sumando delitos a sus crespedientes criminals; today Salvador Franco murió bajo su tutela ”, afirmó. And aggregated: “Every death, torture, political presumption, every violation of justice will receive justice”.

“This is a dictatorship,” Guaidó said on Twitter. Record that a patron of the regime the persecution, the sequel, the torture and have the political assassination. “As such, they are being prosecuted as humanitarian criminals and under investigation by international justice,” he said.

In the last weeks, the Criminal Forum and various indigenous leaders have launched a campaign to demand Franco’s medical attention, in view of the notable deterrent to his health. “It is escaping singing, can not breathe well, is in a state of nutrition”, había denunciado su hermana Liset Franco días atrás

“The salute of the indigenous political figure Salvador Franco has been severely deterred. There is no need to eat or drink without it. His life and health are his direct responsibility to those who have been unjustly imprisoned, ”he said on Twitter in the Penal Forum on December 24.

Venezuela launches new year with 354 political conspiracy cases against conspiracy against Nicolás Maduro’s regime: 227 son civilians and 127 son military.

With EFE information


Juan Guaidó: “In 2021, we will reform the union of all to sign the initiation of the cycle of freedom”
