The increase in divorces in China will be a respite from matrimonial counselors

Shanghai, China.

From his office in Shanghai, the marriage partner consejero Zhu Shenyong live recommendations have undergone several simultaneous phone calls to a crowd-pleasing audience to salvage their relationship. With the increase in divorces in China it is very occupied.

In the parade of the agency has a colloquial mantra: “Who does not have bad matrimonial things like the sky”. But in terrestrial reality when customers are helping, it is in crisis.

“Always say that the matrimonial consortium in China is like taking the cancer in advanced phase”, affirms Zhu, of 44 years, cuyas sessions can attract up to 500 spectators.

“The Mayor of my clients wants to save the matrimony, a minority thinks divorce, but all who have advice about the correct decision that must be taken”, added the man, who said in social speeches claiming that Ghana had a million yuan ( 128,000 euros, 152,000 dollars) per year.

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Its mission is to “avoid the inevitable divorces”, but Zhu is realistic and treats all things as if he were suffering from a rupture, for the sake of the good.

Familiar pressure, an ultracompetitive society, the subject of expensive real estate or the problems to occupy nines are some of the motives that plague chin and ally in matrimony, on all young people, which give priority to personal freedom.

“From a positive point of view, divorce is a reflection of a civilized society and a despair of women,” said Zhu, who cites extramarital affairs and economic problems as the main reasons for the rupture.

A month of reflection

Ante el preoccupation descent of birth, the authorities in cambio animan a los habitantes a casarse ya no separarse. This year, a new 30-day “reflection period” is required for divorced couples. Before the plaza was a day.

The object is to prevent “impulsive” divorces, but some defenders of the rights claim that they are guilty of violating female matrimonial property, even though the estate may indefinitely extend a petition to one of the members of the parish.

“The period of reflection turned into a period of aggression, deviating completely from the original idea,” said Wang Youbai, canton’s lawyer.

“It is extremely wrong for the victims of gender-based violence (…) to intend to escape an inherited estate,” he added. For divorces that end in one day, there are two years, according to Yi Yi, a Beijing lawyer, and the cost is higher.

Many provinces have had compulsory consultation for decades of young couples or those who are on the verge of divorce. Following the help of Wuhan (center), during the second “reflection period” will be allowed to save two of all matrimonial property.

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In Pekín, he has been permanently employed in the matrimonial registry offices and 43,000 parishes have benefited from them since 2015, with a tax rate of “more than 60%”, the municipality said.

This is a very illegitimate delay for a 36-year-old Shanghai official, divorced from the past, who is known as Wallace.

“For those who actually want to divorce, (mediation) is a more formal”, affirms Wallace, who attributes the phrase of his to the interference of his sisters.

Echar a luier

This man is part of the youth disillusioned with the matrimony to what the governor calls together to say business.

“Some are married, they will be able to accept the defects of their marriage,” Wallace said, adding that many of his friends are concerned about the issue of matrimony and divorce.

“Do you think that one of these fractions of the matrimonial, do you have arrogant words?”, Wallace asks. The price is constant, especially between the women, for young men and tenants, but each time has nothing to do with it.

“For the most important people, the divorce means that we will ask (…) for my generation to be a personal choice”, affirms Vivien, 31 years old, who had a tragedy.

“We are not forgiven, on the contrary, we admire those who are divorced”.
