The inconvenience of having to support Erika Buenfil

Always has the ability to talk and tell about the adventures of the character who lived as an actress, Erika Buenfil volvió a ser protagonista por sus anecdotas y confessiones.

The respected actress acted in the program Pinky promise together with another guest, Black Poncho and, one more time, he abreast in channel to share some of his vivid experiences in a set of telenovela.

This is one of the most comforting moments in any road: the bushes. For very exotic and divertido que parseca, a ella le “da pena” y así lo hizo saber. Between broma and broma, Erika gives numbers and examples of things that should not be done as pleasantly as they are in the pants.

Embezó hablando de su bis a bis con Arturo Peniche, with which assurur se dio sus “buenos besos”. También detached his partner in Amores verdaderos, Eduardo Yáñez, very intense but more professional.

“Con Yáñez eran más de verdad para tele que intensos, muy pegados los labios, mucho cuerpo. Con Eduardo fueron muy bien hechos pero no tan, tan intensos”, beskrywing.


On the other hand, in exchange, huele la boca abiert beidas que Erika no quiso specificar pero dio a entender con sus gestos. “A Alexis a pedo”, soltó refiriéndose con cariño a su companañero Alexis Ayala, of which also insurer has received good possessions.

The giants are acabaron when they are one of the few intimate moments lived in a row. If a move is made that turns out to be the most inconvenient due to the actor’s insistence, he prefers no name.

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“It’s taken a long time and I’m like myself with a lot of intensity and I attack. There’s a scene inside a lift in a telenovela called Asia son ellas“I’m going through the motions and things are getting worse … very aggressive and unassuming”, he said.

The kingdom of Tik took its toll on the directives by the suedeid that finally pussieron order and establish that the besos iban to be more suaves.

One declarations are as entertaining as his videos on the famous platform that he discovered, one more time, the allegory and goodness of this first actress.


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