A year and a half after his last public appearance, tras the controversy interviewed by brindo to the BBC to treat alejarse del Epstein scandal, the principle of Andrew does not pierce the hope of ganarse the reasoning of his family lie of the death of his father Felipe, Duke of Edimburg.
Andrés hopes that the things can be changed at the funeral of his father. The event will be televised this Saturday, April 17th. For the occasion, as the protocol, Reina Isabel II, indicates, it is obligatory to decide what rank of military uniform can be used by the Duke of York, who can use the admiral.
Reina’s cheerleader, who died in public office over his love affair with the convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein 18 months ago, was awarded the Royal Navy’s Deputy Admiral in his 55 completions in 2015. This year he was sent to the Admiral in his 60 completions, but it must be acknowledged that it has clarified its number and regressed its public functions.
Now, the 61-year-old man has provoked indignation at Buckingham Palace when he says that his mother has other functionaries who deseaba assist at funeral as admiral. La Reina, who lives in deep lute, tends to make a decision in the next 24 hours. The real officials are also faced with the dilemma of which Harry’s principle is likely to be the only member of the realm mayor who does not live uniform in the funeral, which will lose its titles to the crown in 2020.
The admiral uniform for the day of the ceremony has some characteristic features, between them, three rows of necklaces in the manga. The male has a crucifix and a spade with four stars. For a vice admiral his only three stars.
“The principle of Andrés can have hopes that the things that change will arise from the sadness that lies in his situation, but the truth is that The principle of Carlos was decided not to return his papel while sigan pesando sober él las accusations that exist currently ”, apunta una fuente de la casa real citada por el tablide britainico. ‘If you go to the camera, you can stay in a private room for a family event, so you can avoid it, ”explained the source.
The British media insure that in Buckingham Palace I am very nervous with Andrés’ reparation, it’s his power to turn the focus on the Epstein scandal theme.