The impact of coronavirus variants in vacancies

(CNN Español) – Recently we found the variants of the new coronavirus: the United Kingdom and South Africa. In this episode, Doctor Huerta explains why these variants have the virus being the most transmissible and how we can protect them.

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Hello, soy, dr. Elmer Huerta and this is his diary dose of information about the new coronavirus, information that we hope will be useful to take care of his health and that of his family.

Hoy veremos lo que se sabe acerca las las nuances variants of the new coronavirus found in the United Kingdom and South Africa, and has been found in more than 30 countries around the world.

The variants of the new coronavirus

The news was produced shortly before Navidad. A variant of the new coronavirus was found in London, and immediately, the public expressed its concern that the virus could have changed so much genetically that the pandemic pudiese agravarse.

We will review some important concepts, while acknowledging that if we are to be aware of this notice, we will hope for more investigations in order to better understand the situation.

In the first place, we record that viruses do not live, for both, in nacen, in crecen ni mueren.

Viruses are their chemical molecules that have a single mission of existence: parasitize a living cell, support its reproducing apparatus and reproduce.

In this process, causan enfermedad.

The composition of a virus

The viruses are composed of a central nucleic acid (which can be ARN or ribonucleic acid, DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid), which is called a cubed protein, grass and hydrocarbon compound.

The point is, during this reproductive process -which in biological terms is called replication- the virus produces millions of millions of copies of itself in each being alive and infected.

This is an excellent replication of the virus that produces some changes in the genetic sequence. These changes are called mutations, the ones that are kept to a minimum, by generally not modifying the behavior of the virus.

On some occasions, without embarrassment, these mutations affect the evolutionary pathways of the virus. Therefore, the viral particles that possess are dominant vuelven over demas, and are the ones that logran reproduce more in the future, constituting a new type of virus.

In general, the virus containing the ARN is much more intense than viruses that have a DNA nucleus.

The new coronavirus has an ARN nucleus.

The coronavirus variant of the United Kingdom

Looking at the mutation discovered in the United Kingdom, it is believed that the new coronavirus presents one of two mutations to me, calling attention to the mutations that have overcome the variant discovered in the United Kingdom son 23.

The variant, called B.1.1.7, was detected on September 20 in Kent, in the south of London. In November, the correspondence ranged from 20 to 30% of covid-19 cases in this region.

As a matter of fact, in December, 60% of cases involving children were caused by the variant.

The variants of the variant are uncorrected in the virus specimen, the part that in the representations of the virus is detected as a disease.

These spies have important functions: the first is to serve as a key to enter the cells and infections and the second is to contain a region called RBD, against which they direct the vacancies.

The Mayor of the mutations has taken part in the part that controls the infestation of the virus in the cells. It is for this reason that the new variant is more contagious than the original.

What is not clear is whether the mutations were committed in the RBD region that control the response to the vacancies. A British study describes, without embarrassment, that some of these mutations are located in the vicinity of the RBD region, which should be monitored.

The South African coronavirus variant

The variant detected in South Africa, without embargo, has three mutations in the RBD region. The man is being studied most exhaustively to determine his response to the vacancies.

In summary, although it is not uncommon for muten viruses, the mutations detected in this variant of the new coronavirus are more numerous than usual.

As soon as it is known, it is known that the virus is more easily contagious, but does not cause any serious and lethal illness and responds to all the vacancies that are developing.

The hecho of what is most contagious haria to cause a mayor number of cases, aumenten also -de proportionally- the serious cases of covid-19 that need hospitalization and unit of intensive care, and therefore increase the number of deaths.

What can we do to protect them?

The practical message for you, the eyes of this podcast, is that -dependently of the variant that is related- the prevention of infection should guide all our acts.

In this sense, these are the actions that we will be practicing throughout this year 2021:

  1. The use of a mascara to be with people around,
  2. The physical distance of persons who do not belong to the familiar family who lives in the same house,
  3. Wash your hands with regularity.

Do you have any questions about coronavirus?

We will post your questions on Twitter, we intend to respond to our upcoming episodes. You can find in @DrHuerta. You have not responded yet.

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