The IMF warns that the recovery of the Latin American pandemic will lead to economic recovery


The International Monetary Fund warns that the recovery of the Latin American pandemic will be “frustrated by a recovery that is destructive” and that the majority of the perspectives, consumption and inversion are rising.

In the midst of the crisis, the IMF increased its estimate for the region in 2020 by a contraction of 8.1% to a GDP of 7.4%, per these lunes varios economistas advirtieron en una entry en el blog de la entidad que “la plena recuperation estun aún muy distante”.

The product of the region will return to the prevalent levels of the open pandemic in 2023, and the GDP per capita will rise in 2025, es decir, more late than other regions of the world ”, indicates Alejandro Werner, director for the United States of America, and other economists in an article published on the page of the IMF.

The region recorded 618,817 deaths and 19,571,506 covid-19 contagions, a gap that the FMI brought to 17 million people in a state of poverty.

“In the midst of the fact that there has been no reduction in the number of contacts and deaths in the deaths and in the use of hospital capacity in Latin America in the second quarter of this year, but in the second half of this year, obviously the recovery that we are expecting early in life”, Dijo Werner in a virtual press row.

El Fondo también señaló que the crisis has affected “disproportionately” in employment, and the losses are concentrated about everything in women, girls and informal workers and less qualified.

Informal workers have been strongly affected by the pandemic and the confinement (Europa Press)
Informal workers have been strongly affected by the pandemic and the confinement (Europa Press)

On January 26, the IMF will update its forecasts for the region in 2021, projecting a 4.1% increase with a revision of all major economies Brazil y Mexico, which will offer a crime rate of 3.6% and 4.3%, respectively.

These figures show a decrease of 5.5% in the global economy by 5.5%..

This Monday, the IMF reiterates that Argentina will recover from the 2021 recession with a crime rate of 4.5%, for this period there are 0.4 percentage points per day of the project projected in October.

So much, for Chile, the multilateral body projects an economic expansion of 5.8%, followed by a 4.5% increase in GDP estimated in its most recent information. Para Colombia, the IMF hopes a 4.6% crime rate, 0.6 percentage points per year of its previous projections, while estimated at Peru a 9% expansion, a major increase from 7.3% of the previous information.

(With AFP information)


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