The IMF estimates that in 2024 Latin America will recover from the pre-pandemic war

In the image, the director of the Department of the Occidental Hemisphere of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Alejandro Werner.  EFE / Erik S. Lesser / Archive
In the image, the director of the Department of the Occidental Hemisphere of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Alejandro Werner. EFE / Erik S. Lesser / Archive

Latin America is recovering from the level of global warming that preceded the pandemic, reviewed in 2024, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates the recent covid-19 company rebrote “las perspectivas a corto plaza” in the region.

“The entrance to the capitulation will not return to the antecedent level until 2024, which will provoke accumulated losses of 30% in respect of the pre-pandemic trend“, Alejandro Werner, director for the United States of America and other economists, indicated.

In its latest report on “Perspectives on World Economy” (WEO) published this month, the IMF adds the perspectives for Latin America, projecting a the PBI regional increase of 4.6% this year, a figure of all modes of global promedio decline of 6%.

As a matter of fact, in the matter of the recovery of the economies, the IMF warns that the recent virus outbreak in Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, combined with the slow distribution of vacancies (salvo in Chile), spans the prospects in short plazo ”.

The economists say that the contraction of 7% experienced by the region in 2020 was the most pronounced in the world, beating the world media crèches, which fell by -3.3%, and added that the criminality predicted for this year is due to the decline in forecasts for emerging markets.

According to the predictions of the organism, Brazil – which will increase by 3.7% this year – will recover the level of PBI from 2019 to 2022; Mexico, with a 5% prognostic expansion, will return to the prevalence of the pandemic in 2023, saying that “there is no sound tax support and it is anticipated that the rate of inversion will continue”.

The IMF destroys the case of Chile, which will create 6.2% and make the evacuation program one of the most advanced in the world. “In Chile, the rapidity of the evacuation and the important policies of support constitute a short-term shortfall. It is hoped that the peace of mind will be different from the level of PBI preview of the pandemic”, Dijeron los economistas.

Photo taken on March 25 in which a group of hopefuls were evacuated against the covid-19, in a sports center in Santiago, Chile.  EFE / Alberto Valdés / Archive
Photo taken on March 25 in which a group of hopefuls were evacuated against the covid-19, in a sports center in Santiago, Chile. EFE / Alberto Valdés / Archive

The prognostic entity experts that the United States’ impulsive living plan will have positive effects on some Central American countries in the course of trade and sales and in all nations at the PBI prevalence level in the 2022 pandemic.

“Caribbean economies that depend on tourism will be the last to recover (it will not be until 2024) due to the slow renewal of activity in this sector”, advirtieron los economistas.

“Deterioro duradero del capital humano”

The IMF warns that “labor markets are becoming fragile: only thirteen women will lose their jobs at the start of the pandemic in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, which have recovered by the end of this year”.

Además destacó que informeleektor – que fue el que registras las mayerdas – ha liderado la recuperación del empleo.

The signal experts add that the closure of the schools, which was further prolonged in other regions, added a “continuous barrier of human capital”.

Following the analysis of the FMI’s technicians, the number of students studying editions between 10 and 19 years old will be, on sale, a 4% increase in the length of their lives, if they do not compensate for the slides of lost classes in 2020 .

With AFP information


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