The ICE arrests a Central American figure among the ten most sought after

New York, United States.

A Guatemala Immigrant which appears on the list of the 10 most searched by the Immigration and Advisory Control Service (ICE) arrested in New Jersey, the federal agency said.

Agents from the ICE detective Aníbal García Jerez, 34 years old, in Cliffside Park lie that the immigrant has returned to the country after being deported to Guatemala in 2018 to have completed a prison sentence for a felony to shoot the property of a niece (to photograph or film a child in a sexual act), indicates a communication from the agency.

Indica además que el ICE consider a priority the arrest of guatemalteco debido a su historial de delitos-grafte.

Pendent cargoes

García Jerez was initially located by agents of the Detention and Deportation Office (ERO) April 6, 2016 in the prison of condado de Bergen while being held by the freight carriers due to the fact that the air was condensed.

El ICE presented a detention order and on March 15, 2018, while completing its sentence, it was notified that an immigration tribunal had been compared.

July 20 this year fue puesto bajo custodia de ERO and on October 25, his order was transferred to Guatemala, from where he returned to his country and was arrested.

“This is a clear case of an individual who, in addition to re-entering the United States, represents a clear commitment to the community, particularly to our most vulnerable citizens: los niños“, indicating the director of the ERO and Newark, New Jersey, John Tsoukaris.

In the list of the most searched by ICE figuran aún los mexicanos Julián Bocanera Lupián, the 48 years; Gabriel Calixto Pichardo, of 23; Luciano Domínguez Trejo, of 28, y Luis Rodríguez Jacobo, of 36, in addition to Santos Moreita, of Belice.
