The humble work of Tuca Ferretti antes de ser hombre de futbol

The years passed by RicardoTuca ‘Ferretti, este lunes cumple 67, pero esto no implica que se olvide de une en especial, when llegó to the 12 of edad; and as the next day of the year, Joven Ricardo went on a sports trip, for the Irish waiting for a humble work which helps to dissolve in those areas.

I helped in a matte factory, a mármol factory, descargaba mármol, then I graduated as a babysitter in a madera factory, to download mármol, liege llegué a venderor de mármol y fue bastante padre conviv con esta gente ”, recordu Tuca sobre su nièez y adolescencia cuando hace algunos años en una rueda de prense era congratulations by the prince on his birthday.

The coach more Mexican football title holder, with seat, just imagine being converted into a star as a player and a technical exit.

Entonces, todo comenzó al día siguiente de su cumpleaños 12. “El 22 cayó en un domingo y lunes 23 fui to train in a category of 13 years, yo tenía 12“.

“Since I was my dad, I was very busy, I was training and I was preparing, but over the course of 12 years I went to a test for a category of 13 (with Botafogo“Thank you to God for the past, for being kind and upright, to be free”, said the Timonel de Tigs.

“I agree a lot with this piece because receive my first football caps“That you can do it all this week while I’m pissing at my mom’s house that I’m complaining about everything, but I’ve been waiting for her to start training,” he said.

How to play

He made his Bigotón debut in 1971 as a professional player at Botafogo, following his career at the Vasco da Gama clubs (1975–1976), Bonsucesso FC Brasil (1976–1977), Atlas (1977–1978), Pumas (1978–1985) ), Club Deportivo Coyotes Neza (1985–1986), Monterrey (1986–1987), Pumas (1987–1988), Toluca (1988–1990) and Pumas (1990–1991).

Technical report

The UNAM aborted the gates in 1991, published the post in 1996 for the Chivas bank (1996-2000), followed by Tigres (2000-2003), Toluca (2003-2004), Morelia (2005), Tigres (2006 ), Pumas (2006–2010) and Tigres (2010– a la fecha).
