The hope in Biden ends in the front

“Where is it? What country is it? Are you Honduras or United States? ”. Uno a uno, agarrados a una bolsa con todo su patrimonio a cuestas —un viejo teléfono móvil, algunos documentos, unas aspirinas y une pequeña cruz de madera—, el groupo centroamericanos recorre el poente que une El Paso, en Texas, con Ciudad Juárez, in Mexico, is being closely monitored by United States police. The migrant assistants, the majority of them with nines in the braces, arrests the pieces in strings without cords and hacenets, one, and another face the same thing as the first person to meet: an outpatient salesman, a clerk, a periodical .. “¿Dónde estoy? What peace is it? ”. Many of their salaries from the violence-ravaged lands and these juveniles were taken to one of Mexico’s most populous cities.

Vilma Iris Peraza, 28 years old, exhausta, delgada and tosiendo. Apenas pudo caminar unos pasos se se derrumbó suber el puente. Venia de mano con la pequeña Adriana, de tres años, que tampoco pudo seguir andando vomit en las botas de los agents, junto a la placa que marka la división entre México y Estados Unidos. “We are engaged! We are engaged! ”, Gritó cuando pudo incorporarse. “We would like to have an albergue north of the United States, but we will only have those who are deported.”

Fue el triste fin un een odisea que había comenzado 15 días antes en Honduras. It would be nice to see in the news that with the new president of the United States, Joe Biden, it is possible to enter and that the institution regularizes mothers with nine minor children, so that they do not have to worry about the little one and take the most difficult journey of his life. Guided by its bollard (passenger traffic), bounded by Guatemala, cruised to Mexico, Tabasco passed to New Leon and ended at the last point of the country, in the city of Reynosa, in Tamaulipas.

Allied joined by more migrants from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, have been crossing over to indicate the poll. The most delayed time, held in McAllen, the first city of the United States. All of them, taken from desolados, pass through several detention centers in a center known as the heel for the low temperatures that Deben will support during the run with only one camisette puesta. Read the submarine to a plane and dejaron at the El Paso (Texas) point to see if you can stop and look back in Mexico. Estimated more than 1,200 kilometers of land have been detained. The fairgrounds were made 150, the juveniles more than 220 and the other four 150, approximately. Asia all the days during the last week.

A family of migrants crosses the Bravo River to enter the frontier patrol in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico.
Photo: Mónica González | Video: EPV

Together with Vilma Peraza, hundreds of Hondurans, Guatemalans and Salvadorans roamed the Mexican border. “What are we doing?” Said José Dámaso. “Our tombs are the huellas and our llevaron a the heel cuatro días, luego nos dijeron que nos iban a tomar datas para llamar a nuestros familiares. When we go to a bus, we fly to an airplane, we fly to another bus and we do not have to wait until we come here at any moment, we do not have deportations, nothing, nothing. It’s only the Gobierno United States’ trust that gives me a single opportunity. We live with the illusion of giving a better future to the children ”.

Supported discreetly in the vertebrae of the bridge, Norma López and Dámaso, with their nine trees on their piers, lloran disconnected with the dog head in the manos. “Our engineer, our engineer, what are we doing?”, Repeats the father, who defines that he does not have the ability to explain before a Jew that he will overcome three times the violence.

No one was informed that Iban had been sent to regression in Mexico, and he was told that he was going to be sent to see conscience where he had come from. The mayor’s frustration, without embarrassment, is that the United States has no Central American devil that he has seen truncated in his hope, his camps are ruined that he has had his house paid to pay for pollen between 10,000 and 15,000 dollars for crossing the other road frontera.

“No revenge”

At the time when it was sued, there were a lot of people here, an announcement was made in a macho way on the local radios of Honduras: This is a message from the Governor of the United States ”. The advertisement is one and another located by a male voice between supermarkets and jabon markets. For example, Joe Biden and Roberta Jacobson, coordinator of assistants to the front line, clearly stated that he would like to repeat on several occasions this week: “No vengan”.

The number of migrants intending to cross the United States front line has increased since April, with 100,441 counting the most recent numbers in the last two years, including caravans. The detentions on the front line during the last months of Donald Trump’s presidency will bring some of the highest levels to a decade, and the illegal crosses will be separated from Biden’s cargo hold. In February, the detentions increased by 28% with respect to my anterior, and in March the figure will be higher than one with 4,000 diary detentions, according to the Office of the Advancement and Frontier Protection (CBP). Since October 1, the authorities have registered more than 396,000 migrant crosses in comparison with the 201,600 during the same period last year.

With this panorama, the debate between Republicans and Democrats revolves around the term “crisis frontier” and attributes to Biden a “lame effect” that has disrupted all the albergues in Texas and obliged to equip an El Paso station, a convention center en Dallas, a NASA and California recinto and a campamento con tiendas de campña in Arizona. In parallel, the number of children who are internally solos in the country has disappeared. Although traveling with its parents from Central America, many prefer to separate with the hope that it initiates a process of legalization before the violence and violence of the people. This month, the frontline patrol captured 561 unaccompanied minors, a figure that holds the record of 370 set in May 2019 by Trump on June 354, 2014, during Barack Obama’s presidency. Según Associated Press, the promedio diario fue de 332 niños no acompañados en febrero, and the increase of 60% respect for the knife de enero.

The frontier is a high-altitude quasi-Franconian place where the Central American chaos, Trump’s old policies — which obliged Central Americans to manage Mexico’s humanitarian asylum—, the new media approved by Biden — which the people face and accept -, the Mexican response, by transit transit to all of them, and the pursuit of poverty in which it has been converted to Central America, aggravated by recent natural disasters. To all this, sums up the news: the covid-19, as an argument for expulsion of an intermediate form to any asylum seeker, and the deportation has made remote stops, to 1,200 kilometers of detained firefighters, to establish the only person in whom : su pollero.

In response to the influx of migrants arriving in its territory, Mexico decided to close its front on and spread miles of effective National Guard and Migration Institute (INM) targets for the Central American Legacy. Poco, however, Washington announced that it would send to Mexico 2.5 million AstraZeneca sovereign vacancies. According to both Governors, the vacancies and the frontier are their themes that are not related. Without embarrassment, the EEU’s pressures in Mexico to help resolve the migration problem in each of its major cities. United States faces the mayor increasing migrants on his upper front in 20 years, reconvening this week the Secretary of National Security, Alejandro Mayorkas.

These ingredients add the Trump hyperactive paper to the front. Illegal emigration, the wall and the security of frontier warfare are the eje of the exitosa campaign that took place in the presidency in 2016 and the chaos of migration in the frontier has been converted from new to the help of a star regression to power ya a victory for Republicans in the legislative process next year. Trump is influencing the crisis of the agita la palabra, and the current trend migratia comenzó cuando él aún era presidente. The explanation for this increment, more than with the Gobierno cambio, has to be seen, among other things, with the violence, the political instability and the hurricanes Eta e Iota that golpearon Centroamérica in November, one of the most vulnerable zones of the world in the climatic change, and terminon de destrozar la maltrecha ekonomía del llamado Triángulo Centroamericano.

According to Enrique Valenzuela, Coordinator-General of the State Commission of Chihuahua Population, he said that he had not seen before: “Migrants who do not know where they stand when they lie”, explained in his official statement, both landscapes. Valenzuela criticizes that the people “are being expelled by the lame titled 42, the one who has a sanitary policy [para prevenir la propagación del coronavirus], not with a migration policy ”by the United States. “Thus, while prevailing the risk of the pandemic, it returns to the people who are committed to the intention of soliciting international protection …”.

Before Valenzuela ends its term, other buses carrying a centenarian of Central American railroads are lying on the ground and are obliged to stop and drive straight to Rome. “I am very anxious to enter with the hope of entering the political asylum, committed by the polls and confounded by the entry of women registered in the Migrant Protection Programs [MPP, por sus siglas en inglés], who were able to hope for more years in Mexico and started acceding to the United States through a register of United Nations thanks to the change of order by Biden ”.

The Democrats are recovering from the frontier crisis and prefer the euphemism “challenge” to say that they did not lose control of the frontier until the year 2000, when 9,000 frontline patrol officers were detained, on average 137,000. . This year, between October and February, the release of more than 76,000 coins, compared to the number of policies intended for vigilance, is more than double in 2000.

According to Francisco Javier Calvillo’s father, director of the Migrant House in Ciudad Juárez, the most important albergue of the frontier city, “he has a lame effect”. “There are many migrants from Central America and Mexico, but there are also polluters and the political asylum is between one and two years. In parallel, the United States, by Article 42, is expelling the migrants from the country, and there are many nineteen, prior to the indigenousness of the Mexican government, ”said the missionary scalabriniano in his albergue, disembarked by a humanitarian body that rescues with more freedom religious and civil organizations.

In his opinion, after several months of coming to terms with the albergue, Trump and Biden will result in the same, albeit with different methods: “The first golpeo the month and arranged with arrangements in Mexico to log his objective and the second use of diplomacy y las vacunas para alcanzar el mismo fin: que no lleguen más migrantes ”.
