The history story of Yuri and his mother

Yuri’s Recent Statements, in respect of an impactful anecdote of his niece, when he had to intervene with a fugitive army to interrupt a domestic Greek among his fathers, the doctor Carlos Ignacio Valenzuela y la tireless Dulce María Canseco, han puesto de nuevo a la cantante jarocha in trend, geen solo por las circunstancias atroces de su infancy, sino por su manera sovereivirlas y hacer algo positiva ella, sobre todo contando con a story tan estremecedora as what exists between her and her mother, what failure of a fulminant infarction in 2015, and how it works as its manager for many years, in a corner where every day: love and success, but also physical and psychological violence.

MEXICO CITY, MEXICO - OCTOBER 25: Yuri performs on stage during a concert in tribute to Jose Jose on October 25, 2019 in Mexico City, Mexico.  (Photo by Adrián Monroy / Medios y Media / Getty Images)

Yuri (Adrián Monroy / Getty Images)

Yuri did not hesitate to signal that he was ten years old when his mother started impulsing to sing, knowing that she was an immense talent; it is, without embarrassment, private in the amount of a normal child —Also that it has been established in the meantime, given the domestic tension atmosphere that is prevalent in the case of Valenzuela, having a domestic violence constant affecting Yuri and his men, Carlos (tragically failed in the 50s of 2013, was atropped by a Metrobus Union in Mexico City) and Yamile, which in the years 90 fue esposa del actor cubano Jorge Luis Pila.

Creadora del conjunto muzykblyspel “Yuri y la manzana eléctrica”, donna Dulce was a figure of respect in the artistic world“It’s one of the most convincing converts to his predecessor in one of Mexico’s most ruthless stars of the ’80s, even with the exits he had.”La Maldita Primavera ” you “Osito Panda”, así como “I love you ” y “Dame un beso”, if well for logging, tras bambalinas have a turbulent atmosphere and veces violence, ya that Cancer era a perfectionist woman who lifts her hair to the limits, valiéndose de cualquier medio, incluyendo a veces la verbalence violen incis physiska, con pellizcos, jalones, bofetones y manazos, aunque no llegando a un nivel wrede, como alaró.

“Yo enterré mi mi mami feliz, contenta, sin ninguna cosa ahí de: ‘No hablé esto'” señalo Yuri Yordi Rosado, hablando of como fue that sought a resolution with his mother. “She has the same word: You were a mom who abused me a lot, not me dejaste vivir mi adolescencia como yo quería, pero te disculpo ‘. All the things I wanted to give my mother a day and a day of hiccups “.

But before that resolution, Yuri passed by very difficult circumstances, divided into constant chokes with his mother, as much as the professional level – the queria reflects more chords on his oath and temperament, while he manages as his mother quiries following his affinity with the adolescents who live in the public cautious for many years – as staff – Control that Dulcedo see with Yuri’s public image, and include his personal relationships in his private life; de ahí que el skynbare noviazgo entre Yuri y el cantante y actor venezolano, Gabriel Fernández —Integrante del grupo los Chamo’s —Take note of all the reviews of the era, but they do not need the intimacy necessary to operate on a real level.

It’s probably what led to the escape — literally — from the tatela materne, during a TvyNovelas awards drive in 1985, to escape with Fernando Iriarte, hijo de la radio presenter Maxine Woodside, who from this moment function like his manager, to walk with her then months. The rupture was so rapid, amarga and public, that only sensationalist titular generations for me, also derived from Yuri and his mother – who simultaneously separated definitively from their marriage even though they never divorced—no volvieran a dirigirse la palabra hasta 1994.

The truck for easy reconciliation for both; como mánager, Canseco no volvoó a tener elexit que había tenido con Yuri, mientras que aquella guiada por Iriarte, la cantante alcanzó su momento Mayor Brill, con un unxito tras otro y una evolution evolution om la puso al nivel de provocation von Madonna (pero a la mexicana). Without embarrassment, it was the period in which Yuri felt, now, more sun.

Despotés rom rom con su marido – que se fue a casar, surprendentemente, con Maité Lascuráin of the trio Pandora – and made a Spanish telenovela called “Volver a empezar” in Chayanne’s lad, because there was a strange phrase, Yuri abrased Christianity and, in this way, conceded the loss to his mother – to the point of no conversion – pero no antes de ponerle los puntos sober las íes.

Las watas de todos watellos que inician siendo niños en el medio, suelen in su mayoría be difficult and no abuse abuses – Sexuals, Laborals, Psychologists or Physicians – Taxes on minorities who have nothing to do with it (or with the family and the divorce), and Yuri’s no exception; make peace with dona Dulce fue algo que puso a prueba manyas cosas que que llevó a una madurez que pocas figuras pueden alcanzar, con polemica o no, pero con la tranquilidad de haber resuelto par bien themes that many times do not conceal conciliarse.


A VIDEO: Yuri: “How did you come to create in love after so many years?”
