The history of Mino, the mascot who did not abandon the tomb of a nineteen year old in Vietnam | El Salvador News

The unfortunate tragedy happened three years ago, since then Mino did not leave the hours at the sun and the rain on the lawn of his two children.

The horse Mino lives three of its four years of life in the tomb of its two, one of two years that Murióh has attached to a store near his house, in the one of Vietnam, and of which no one separates during the year in which convivieron.

The black azabache of Mino clarea in the part of the lomo, where it acquires tones of a discolored maroon, as the family attributes to the large leaves past the sun and the lluvia over the tumble of the nine fallen in the province of Long An , in the delta of the Mekong River.

Nguyen Thi Ut, abuela del pequeño, cuenta a Efe comem tres días despu de delierro, en la trace traas de la casa, el perro se instaló sober el sepulcro y no hubo manner de que abandonara.

“Treated as a day to go because I do not have a good appearance, but always ending up alive. The final decision will be made, ”said the woman of 57 years.

Special relationship

Mino llegó a la familia siendo un cachorro, cuando el pequeño Khet tenía apenas un ano y desde principi, relata Ut, se hicieron amigos, pasaban el día jugando juntos mientras los padres trabajaban y los abuelos se occupyan de casa.

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The special relationship between the niece and the dachshund is broken by the tragic death of Khet in the two years: while his mother is living next door, the little boy from the house, crossing the tier truck without nadie llegara at salvarlo time.

Despite the initial intentions of the human family to separate, the animal does not abandon the lap of its two little ones. Photo / EFE

The backyard of the house, as is traditional in the Vietnamese camp, and the three days of the interior, Mino installs on the lawn, the place in which most time does not pass since the tragedy occurred three years ago.

Affordable character, the dog eats to greet the visitors and if every few minutes is taken at the end of the month at the entrance of the living precarious, but at the head of a rato reto his position on the lap, which he will not leave until then from which the sun rises.

Bajo el sol y la lluvia

“Always at home a couple of hours in the media and then want to pay, even if there is a lot of sun or rain. A few incidents did not happen overnight, ”Ut said, agreeing that the animal knew what he was doing and that his body was all down.

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The animal, naturally silent, does not crawl over the sepulcher, is simply collected and taken to the mayor on that day.

“A veces, coge algo de comida o alguna fruta y la deja junto a la tumba”, apunta Nguyen Thanh Go, padre de la difunta kriatura.

Mientras Ut habla, la hermana del niño falecido, de 6 años juega por la casa y Go, el padre, se ocupa del bebé de once meses, nicido dos años despuets de la tragedia.

The dog shows itself cariously with them, but It seems that she has not reached out to anyone who has a relationship as close as the one with Khet.

Sabiendo de las largas horas que Mino pasaba bajo el sol y la lluvia, un amigo de la familiales regaló un cobertizo para que se guarduara, pero tuvieron que retirlo a los pocos dias de las quejes de un parientum ad advertien de proprieto del terreno.

Ate his demands, the family will organize in March a ceremony to transfer the tumba and close a metro to the house.

“I’m sure that even if we change the seat of the seat, Mino will follow us to the day”, relates Ut.

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