The historical importance of Biden’s investment

The historical context in which the president’s investment unfolds Joe Biden, with the recent insurrection in the Capitol and the intentions of its predecessor Donald Trump to hold back the power of force, the event between the most important in state politics, in these divisions between the factions that support unconditionally the neo-Norwegian magnate which abortions its policies and discourse divisions.

Hecho, experts in politics anticipate that investing, celebrating the state capital with intense security measures, will be recorded by historians as the controversies of the electoral college in the antecedent of the presidency of Rutherford Hayes (1877-1981), The Discourse of the Infamy delivered by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945) on the attacks of Pearl Harbor, the speech of Abraham Lincoln (1961-1965) in Gettysburg, in the middle of the Civil War.

“There are many parallelisms that reflect the historical significance of this moment. For example, in the discourse of Lincoln (Gettysburg), he broke with a country that was divided and that was divided into arms by a polarizing aid like slavery. It is a shared house against the same name. The recent violence in the Capitol is the culmination of multiple acts of group violence against Afroestadounidenses and Latinos. These acts violate the manifestations of a battleship species in its similar nature, albeit with distinct methods. Pero the result and the import is the same because it implies a constant weight in the car of EE.UU. and a profound heredity makes it difficult to cite that the president has to help to excel ”, supported by José Rivera González, Professor of International Politics at the University of Sagrado Corazón.

It compares to this momentary thinking in 1876 when the Electoral College transcended Hayes in an unusual process and allowed racism to flourish abruptly in the south. I believe Trump I would like to force this and hold on to Biden to mark an effort to resolve the crisis, ”said the activist Federico de Jesús.

Political analyst Ignacio Rivera expressed that Biden’s message that, by a leap, seeks to unite the union between the ideological factions in the United States and, by the way, show strength and impressive limits to those groups that value values, violence and segregation.

“Biden’s discourse is a matter of reconciliation, hope and justice, and this is what the EE.UU needs. to recreate the division created by President Trump, which will go down in history as the republic’s president. It is about reuniting a nation divided by the audio, the maldad and the prejudices. It is said that the nation is divided into two banks, just like the civil war. ”, dijo Rivera a El Nuevo Día.

The analyst’s appreciation for Biden’s discourse, as well as for other people during the inauguration process, is recounted as having to abandon arms, reflecting the divisions and violent divisions in state politics. “But it indicates that the nation will prevail over its violent groups. If you are in love, you have to do it. Fue una amenaza sutil ”, recalcó Rivera.

“To be able to sanitize hay that record and it is what I want to say is that hay has a deep exam to all, in the violations of them that are committed in the last four years and also in the social situation that exists in the United States. Trump is well on his way to establishing a dictatorship and inciting subversion, which he inaugurated and said he wants reforms to prevent, ”he said, for his part, Jesus.
