The hat of Lili Estefan, pure sensuality posing with a mojada shirt on the beach

| 16/04/2021 – 11:40 (GMT-4)

Lina Luaces, the daughter of the famous Cuban television presenter Lili Estefan, he robbed the suspects of his followers while sharing on his Instagram account some beautiful photos on the beach in which he appeared gala of his beauty and drowsy sensuality.

In the pictures below we will see the young man posing inside the water of the sea with a banner and just like a beautiful t-shirt that from the sexy touch to the stage stage, he went straight to the chamber one of the many seducers he had lured to the Grand Mayor of his admirers.

“Absolutely beautiful”, “Wow without words”, “Qué bella eres”, “Preciosa”, “Pura perfección”, “Cuánta hermosura en dos fotos”, “Tus ojos me matan”, “Reina” o “Toda una diosa” , is some of the compliments that Lina Luaces has had with her instantly.

Lina Teresa Luaces Estefan, complete number of la joven de 18 jaar, has always demonstrated that there is a great inclination to model and vary since the times in which the hemus can be demonstrated on these dates in this world.

In addition to posing as a professional before the lenses of the cameras, the passers-by have been converted in the space in which the star of the program El Gordo and La Flaca were most comfortable, then in the year 2019 debut modeled in la Miami Fashion Week.

In the same way, Lina Luaces also came up with everything influencer of the virtual world, there are 90 miles of followers that alberga in his Instagram profile and who follow his steps inside the platform.

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