The Governor of Wisconsin authorizes National Guard to Kenosha before the decision of Jacob Blake

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has mobilized 500 members of the National Guard to Kenosha pending a decision on whether to prosecute the police officer who shot Jacob Blake last year.

The guards will assist local law enforcement agencies in an effort to prevent the kind of riots and unrest that has plagued the city for several days after the August 23 shooting. The troops will protect infrastructure and other facilities.

“We continue to work with our local partners in the Kenosha area to ensure that they have the necessary state support, just as in the past,” Evers, a Democrat, said in a statement. “Our National Guard members will be ready to support local first responders, ensure Kenoshans can meet safely and protect critical infrastructure if needed.”


It was not clear how long the deployment would take.

Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Gravely will issue a indictment in the first two weeks of January, the city said.

Blake, a black man, was shot seven times in the back by Rusten Sheskey, a white Kenosha police officer who responded to a house riot. Video footage of the shooting incident captured Blake walking away from the officer when he was shot.

The shooting paralyzed Blake and touched on protests and riots that resulted in fatal shootings and destruction.

On Sunday, Kenosha Police Department and Mayor John Antaramian announced additional measures to ensure public safety. The plan includes the designation of spaces to demonstrate, the restriction of city bus routes, the closure of the road, a curfew arrangement and protective fencing in some areas.

In a Kenosha News assignment, Daniel Miskinis, the head of the Antaramic and police, made it clear that the city will not tolerate any violence or destructive behavior.


“We will not – we can not – tolerate the kind of violence we saw in our streets earlier this year and we will take definite steps to protect our residents and businesses,” they wrote.
