The “Gober Precioso” duerme en la misma carcel donde is intern Jean Succar Kuri

Cancun, Q. Roo. – El exgobernador de Puebla, Mario Marín Torres, accused of aggravated torture by the periodical Lydia Cacho, durmió esta noche en la misma carcel en donde encuentra interno el empresario, Jean Succar Kuri, sentenciado a 112 aos de prison por elite infantil porno en corruption des menores.

Marín Torres arrives at this city, lies to be detained in Acapulco and finds the accusation that the tax is the traditional justice system, informs Aracely Andrade, lawyer of Cacho Ribeiro, who sees the case of the aggravated commissions in contact with 15 years ago.

“Never thought that living to leave”, he said, referring to the high level of apprehension and probable applause of Marín Torres, escarmiento a la periodista por haber published the book The Demons of Eden, which he won with Succar Kuri, cabeza of a red treat of persons.

Also read: “Llevo 14 años buscando justicia”, dice Lydia Cacho tras captura de Mario Marín

“Success is the origin of what Mario Marín is living. “Here commenz todo and todos schuchamos comé él y Kamel Nacif -en aquellas grabaciones del 14 februari de 2006- se pusieron de acuerdo para orchestr la venganza en contra de Lydia (Cacho)”, dijo la abogada.

Andrade Tolama indicated that one day the public prosecutor, who was mishandled by the justice system during the month, was sentenced to life imprisonment for lying down at night. “Van a estar juntos, pero no revueltos”, manifesto la abogada, refiriéndose al ex gobernador ya Succar Kuri.

Also read: Quintana Roo hopes the arrival of ex-governor Mario Marín, detained in Acapulco

These jewels will be presented -virtual or present- the Juzgado Second District, radiated in this city, as part of the first diligence of the criminal case 26/2018, by torture, which will cover the six years of imprisonment.

“His detention is a first victory, but it does not mean that justice is done.” And agrees: “If there is a serious crime, if the dictation is the car of formal imprisonment, the trial will take place in prison and we will be solicited that it be transferred to a maximum security penalty”.

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