‘The game is alive and well, making it a medical institution for women in the country’

By Cinthia Almanza

20/03/2021 – 15:45

The Crispiano Adames deputy will be present this Monday, March 8th, as he has been privileged at the Faculty of Medicine since he passed the medical certification exam before he passed away.

“What we can do is to have confidential information and who will handle the data of this confidentiality is the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Panama, and will be open to the public. This means that this exam has ten years and it is today. to the privileges of the Faculty of Medicine “, afirmó.

Vea también: Presidente Cortizo califica de ‘retroceso’ la medida que diminuye qualification en examen de certification

Adames agreed to say that there were enough arguments for the demonstration, including the President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo, who demonstrated during the incidence of these months in the plenum of the National Assembly.

“The living game is being held by the medical institutions of the country and the Faculty of Medicine with Senor Enrique Mendoza and a limited combo”, remark.

Since the year 2021, a contract has been signed for the existence of a project that amends the Ley 43 of 2004, which creates the certification and recertification of professionals and technical specialists of health proposed by various deputies, between them Crispiano Adames and the Independent , the one who was fired by the people.

As a matter of fact, on March 6, the law was passed by the Ministry of Health (Minsa), which issued a resolution diminishing the basic medical certification rate of 41.5% to 34.5%, generating a reduction and controversy.

Vea también: Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the UP dice that it ‘mentions’ that there is a deficit of national medicines

The justification of the Minsa was that in the middle of the pandemic it was necessary to hold 100% of the places of internal medicine occupied.

More recently, the dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Panama, Enrique Mendoza also refrained from the project at the National Assembly which claimed to score the point.

Mendoza referred to the Ministry of Health and said that it felt that there was a deficit of national medicines.

Also, since March 5, the certification exam has taken place, leading to many obstacles for some employees.

The dean of the Faculty of Medicine solicits that he withdraws the initiatives and decrees that, in his judgment, destroys the process that he has been logging to build in years and mainly in the last years we have passed the certification exams.
