The Fronteriza Patrol advised on a migration crisis with Biden

Washington, United States.

The Internal Commission of the Office of the Aduanas and Frontier Protection (CBP) of the United States, Mark Morgan, calcifies this “monumental” March the construction of embankments to the length of a 720 kilometers in the front with Mexico and warning about a “crisis total” if the promises of the elective president are completed, Joe Biden, about immigration.

The construction of a wall in the 3,200 kilometers from the front de United States con Mexico was one of the principalspromises of the President Saliente, Donald Trump, so much in his presidential campaign in 2016 as in good part of his management that concludes the next 20 years.

For its part, the Internal Secretary of National Security, Chad Wolf, appointed by a communiqué that the president Trump “listening to women standing and working on the ground and bridging through physical infrastructure, access roads, lights, cameras and sensors, all packed for protect our front “.

Morgan said in a press conference that on December 31 it was notified that it had completed 724 kilometers of “new wall”.

“Where there are: the media and the critics have said no podría hacerse. Pero lo hicimos. Is a logro remarkable, a historic log de este Gobierno “, verklaaró.

Increasing frontal catches

The project ends with the opposition in Congress of the opposition democrat, the critics of defensive groups immigrant and judicial demands of ambientist organizations, indigenous peoples and tierras owners by wild debris to tend the barrier.

Starting in 2019, el President Trump deviate from this fund project that the Congressional House has approved for gastos-military, lo cual generó nuevas tpolitical remarks and judicial demands.

Although Trump following the renegotiation of the electoral district, Morgan refuses to accept the Gobierno’s “potential transfer” and the contacts he has with the staff of Biden what is occupied by immigration.

“We are looking for an increase in the undocumented captures in the front. Preliminary figures for December will be one 74,000 detainees; there is a 7% more than in November “, sostuvo.

The new Administration, añadió, “still clear options: an effective strategy for the immigration ola frontera abierta “.

‘Soul Biden team put in practice sus campaign promises from the first day, a total crisis will be created in the following weeks. These promises, which include the extension of DACA (the Action Action Divergent for Children in Law), the end of the Protection of Memorandum of Migrant, the provision of health care (to the undocumented) invited to more migrants “, argument.

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Morgan says the assessors of Biden he admitted the need to withdraw some political parties “even if the application was a colossal fracture”.

“La front import, and negligence in its security has consequences. If we have a racist classification, we say that what we are stating is immoral, pero seguimos adelante “, abundó.

A few more weeks before the deadline Donald Trump presidency, the constructors work in forced markets to build the mayor cantidad de wall frontier cono is possible, a work that Biden Promise during your campaign that will increase as soon as you lose the power. EFE
