The Francisco Papa condemns extremism as a ‘traction to religion’

(CNN) – To visit Ur, the ancient Iraqi city of Jews, Christians and Muslims creen that his patriarch Abraham, the Pope Francisco condemned extremism as a “religion and religion”.

The pontificate visit Ur the Sabbath on the second day of the first papal visit to Iraq. To lead a reunion of interfaith leaders, Francisco condemned the violence that had affected these countries in the last years and pissed off love and cooperation between religions.

“All his ethnic and religious communities are superior. In die tailor, my gustaría mencionar a la comunidad Yazidi, que ha llorado la muerte de muchos hombres y ha sido testigo de miles de mujeres, niñas y niosos sequuestrados, vendidos comos enslavos, sometidos a viensica physique y converseses forzadas «, dijo.

Francisco also praised the recovery efforts in northern Iraq, where ISIS destroyed historic sites, churches, monasteries and other places of worship. “I believe in the voluntary Muslim youths of Mosul, who help repair churches and monasteries, build fraternal friendships over the embassies of the audio, and in Christian and Muslim water that has restored restaurants and young churches,” he said.

Father Francisco assists in an interfaith meeting in the city of Ur.

The discourse on soliciting co-operation between religions has been held for some time after the father celebrated a historic reunion with the Muslim cleric, the Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, in the sanctuary of Najaf. The 45-minute reunion with al-Sistani, 90 years old, which will rarely appear in public, represents one of the most important changes between a father and a Muslim figure released in the last few years.

During the reunion, broadcast by Iraqi, Al-Sistani and State Television on French television, to make an effort to travel to Nayaf and the day that Christians in Iraq must live “like all Iraqis in security and peace, and with all its constitutional rights ”, according to a statement issued by the ayatollah’s office.

El papa, a su vez, agradeció a al-Sistani ya la musunidad musulmana chiita por «[alzar] su voz en defensa de los más débiles y perseguidos, afirmando el karacter sagrado de la vida humana y la importancia de la unidad del pueblo pueblo », según una declaration de la Santa Sede.

The four-year-old giro of Papa Francisco’s Iraq in the wake of six years is the first route of the pontificate of Italy since the coronavirus pandemic began.

The Baghdad pope in Baghdad, the four, was received by Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi. More late, Francisco is meeting with clerics and other officials at a Baghdad church that hosted a massacre in 2010.

Iraq has imposed a total tax cut during the four-day postal visit to minimize the risks of health and safety. Francisco tiene previsto salir de Iraq el lunes.

Francisco reunited with the clerical cleric Sunita Imán Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb on various occasions during the past, and is famous for signing a 2019 document in which he compromised on “human fraternity” between the world’s religions.

Tamara Qiblawi, Delia Gallagher and Aqeel Najm de CNN contributed.
