The founder of Telegram announces the blockade of scandals of violence in EE.UU.

In his opinion, the content eliminated by the moderators would have increased by tens of miles of users.

The founder of Telegram, Pavel Dúrov, assures this Monday that last week the administrators of the messaging service will block scents of incitement to violence in EE.UU.

From January onwards, Telegram’s team of moderators received a large amount of reports from users of North American countries in relation to the social activity of the ‘app’, detailed Dúrov in a message published on his channel personal.

“Thank you for these efforts, last week our moderators blocked dozens of public outcries in the violence, the two podrians have read about tens of miles of subscribers“, written.

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“The debates in pacifist protests have been welcomed in Telegram, pero our terms of use prohíben of direct form the diffusion of public incentives to violence“, continued.

“In the course of the last years, we have consistently applied this rule throughout the world, from Belarus and Iran to Thailand and Hong Kong,” he added.

And he concluded: “The civil movements of all the world confined in Telegram to defend human rights, without recourse to the day”.

If it looks interesting, I agree with my friends!
