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The display of soldiers on call has increased tensions in Burmania

Rangún (Birmania), 15 feb (EFE) – Con el Ejército desplegado en las calles pa pais y tras una larga noche sin internet, los burmanos volvieron a desafiar este lunes la creciente reprision de los militares y salieron un día más a protestar, mientras the electorate, Aung San Suu Kyi, continues in domicile arrest. When the weeks of the Gulf of Estados are completed and in an atmosphere that is very tense, the police and soldiers are highly discriminated against with the help of air compressors to solve a demonstration in Mandalay, the second city of the country, to be confirmed by Efe two which currently has herid numbers. This is one of the latest protocols, and it’s important for madrugada and a new map of the internet of the morning around 01:00 (18:30 GMT), and it’s a certain client. In Rangoon, groups of protesters are protesting against the military junta with banknotes called “Acabad with the dictatorship” in line with the military tanks and trucks that the mayor resigned from the city. In the seat of the Central Bank, the Ejército took part in the first hour of various armed vehicles and more than one effective centenary as a clear message of appointment to the employees he decided to protest against the military strike that took place with the Governor San Suu Kyi. It is one of the most effective bases for civil disobedience against the current wave of health workers initiated by the health care workers and is characterized by many employees, which is paralyzing the Administration. The military presence is also high on the agenda of the National League for Democracy (LND), the party led by Suu Kyi, which is protesting against the liberation of the Nobel Peace Prize. SUU KYI SIGUE ARRESTED The popular leader, 75 years old, was placed under house arrest in his official residence of the capital, Naypidó, since the 1st of February the military levied against the Gobierno electorate and destroyed some of its members. Suu Kyi will continue to be detained until after the miracles, when he will be able to compare himself to a judge, confirmed to Efe the lawyer Khin Maung Zaw. The state’s counselor, who passed 15 years of military arrest during previous military junta arrests, has been charged with illegal importation of a telephone device and has been sentenced to three years’ imprisonment. Suu Kyi’s lawyer, who made sure that he had not been able to meet with his client, even though it was hoped that the market session would be held by videoconference, even if it was all that depended on the decision of the police. UNA LARGA NOCHE Burmania desperto hoy de una larga noche de incetidumbre despéte de que a ultima hora de la domingo del domingo se desplegara el Ejército en las calls y se cortara internet, lo que dejo practically communicados a los ciudadanos un el burgem a mas represented by the uniformed. The silence took place during a week of massive protests and when the public shared in the social speeches a prevalence of videos of demonstrations and police speeches. According to the NetBlocks Observatory, the internet traffic in Burmania has increased to 14% of its habitat since 01.00 on Monday hours (18.30 GMT on Sunday) and did not return to normal until further notice, in the third block of communications from the Gulf of State perpetrated by the military junta two weeks ago. MUNDO ESTÁ MIRANDO The representation in the calls and the display of tanks in various zones of Rangún was carried out by a group of embassies, including the European Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain and other countries, published by communicated in the night of the domingo in the condemnation of form “inequivocal” the detention of political leaders, activists and functionaries and the acoustics of periodicals. “We call security forces to abstain from using violence against protesters and civilians who are protesting against the legitimacy of a legitimate government,” the statement said. “We support the people of Burma in their pursuit of democracy, freedom, peace and prosperity. The world is mired,” he said. The military junta, captured by the army of the Armed Forces, Min Aung Hlaing, justifies the attempt to commit electoral fraud in the November November comics in which Suu Kyi’s LND was released, as it was in 2015. ( c) EFE Agency
