The former CIA analyst who informed Biden should not be trusted after defending the torture program

Morgan Muir, the longtime CIA analyst who The New York Times reportedly was tasked with delivering President Biden’s daily briefings, played a leading role in defending the CIA’s torture program, and quoted information that the agency later publicly acknowledged was inaccurate during a disagreement with the Senate Intelligence Committee in 2013, BuzzFeed News reports. The extent of Muir’s involvement in the showdown was previously unknown, per BuzzFeed.

Daniel Jones, a former Senate investigator and lead author of the committee’s 6,700-page report on the torture program, said he would not “trust Muir to” convey accurate information “, and former Senator Mark Udall (D-Colo.), At the time an outspoken member of the committee, said Biden ‘should have serious concerns about entrusting his presidential daily briefing to anyone who could help cover up this dark chapter in our country’s history. ‘ Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Then and now a committee member, did not specifically address Muir, but said BuzzFeed “the American people deserve transparency over the background of high-level intelligence officials.”

Amanda Schoch, a spokeswoman for the office of the director of national intelligence, said Muir is a “generally respected intelligence officer who has shown the highest standards of integrity and professionalism throughout his career.” But she added that Muir is not “as the term is commonly understood”, and he will not be in the Oval Office. Instead, he will allegedly oversee the so-called ‘mission integration’, which means he will coordinate ‘intelligence gathering and analysis in various information sessions. Read more at BuzzFeed News.

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