The FMLN offers reform deep down its debacle in the elections

FMLN has announced results in a new political reform with new statutes. Alcalde Muyshondt erkenn derrota y dice se enfrentó a una campña de Estado.

All opposition political parties, such as the candidates of various parties, have reconciled their wrongdoing with the results of the results of the domestic elections.

The first official declarations of the FMLN party, given by its secretary general, Oscar Ortiz, show that the results of the elections are aimed at his project and that new statutes have been updated.

“The electorate decides to concentrate on one person, so it has more to do with any consideration in this election the salvadoran electorate,” said Ortiz.

Lee también: Muyshondt reconoce derrota en San Salvador y dice “ya no le quedan excusas al Gobierno”

In addition to the known conco- tion results, there will be a call to his teams of workers and deputies in addition to their teams at the national level to work the transition.

Comment that agreement on the increased participation of the citizen in the commissions of the estate can be noted that all the Gobierno campaign on a supuesto fraud in the elections was the construction of an image of fear, doubt and confusion.

If we see and test the first results we say that the transmission process worked quite well, and will always be perfect, then we can decide which trades of the content that initiate the Juntas Receptoras de Votos a lo largo y ancho del país, y las Juntas Electorales Municipales, se ha querido robar, quitar o falsear lawillad de los votantes ”, said the general secretary of the FMLN.

As regards the projections for his party, there is a tendency towards the results of the 6 deputies for the Legislative Assembly, as long as there are no dates on the Municipalities that have official dates.

Excuses that lie the results the party enters into a deep political reform where there are changes in the organizational, political and functional part to update and update new questions and expectations of the party about the party, and that its self-critical, comics is a declining trend that he has seen in the last elections, and recognizes that he has not been up to date on the demands of the population, reasoning as to why new states tend to agree with the actual reality.

Interested party: The risk of losing all control of the Assembly generates a democratic preoccupation because the balance of power, dice Picardo

“We will lose an election, but our political project will continue vigorously, it will continue, it will follow in a marching path always in the country. We have a tendency to be irreversible and, as good democratic agents, democrats as Izquierda, we are full of valor and responsibility. Hemos sabido ganar pero también hay que saber perder ”, sostuvo Ortiz.

In addition to the fact that the golfer adversely held the opposition party in elections, “he has the people, the voters will define a route for the next three years and we will respect that decision”, he said.

He also says that he who demands the public his new forms of translating the message of the parties and listening to his demand, “our compromise on everything is listening to the people, and acting as part of what the people want and demand”, he says Ortiz.

Alcaldías declaran triunfos y otras asumen derrotas

También candidates to the municipalities will be in the position of triumph or derrota ante the preliminary results of the elections.

San Salvador’s Alcalde, Ernesto Muyshondt, praised the people who voted for him and the work team that was staged during the three years in the capital Alcaldia, and signaled that he was not a candidate for a State campaign.

“This is the most vicious process in the electoral democratic history of our country, we are in agreement with a party, we are in a state campaign with unused discrimination, described by the State’s resources, by the state institutions only. promote to the official candidates, sign to persecute, accuse, host, pardon, block those who are considered their political adversaries and center in San Salvador for them ”, said the edil.

También also recorded the violations at the times that the Gobierno commenced as the pay of the Fodes and the 262 alcaldias of the country, with the finalization that the alcaldes would have to work and that many alcaldias would be discovered during their staffing months, of public servants, where he also attacked his family, said Muyshondt.

Santa Tecla’s Alcalde, Roberto d’Aubuisson published a statement from the city council calling for a more secure city, thanks to its video vigilance system and the collection of solid discharges.

“Y, the most important, we entrust a Municipal heritage much greater than we find, try clear of our transparency. From the Municipal Council we will continue to work for our projects, for our city, and for democracy. Here we go with the front at the top “, published the edil.

In addition to the results of the February 28 elections, it was confirmed that there was a fashion, the two his fugitives, were not sent to a candidate with a national tendency.

Mientras que la alcaldesa de Antiguo Cuscatlán, quien buscaba la redeección agradeció el votan confianza de los electores y dijo que hasta tenia una amplia ventaja para su gane.

“In infinite thanks to God, you are the citizens of Antigua Cuscatlán and the young people by his vote of confidence in my work, to allow one more power to serve from this space. We do not have the full consolidation, but the tendency is to move with an increased wind speed to this server. Thank you to all the collaborators for their work. We will continue to work on the mano, as you have seen, to follow the best municipality of El Salvador! ”, Published in social speeches.

While the candidate for the Santa Ana Alcaldia by New Ideas, Gustavo Acevedo, confirmed his approval at 69% of the preliminary dates, which will be held at a press conference in which both candidates for the Legislative Assembly dicha cabecera by this party.

“It’s a great victory overall. We are dealing with various international observers even though one of the most resounding victories in the history of the free elections in El Salvador is confirmed. To all Santa Ana, I would like to thank you for this vote of confidence, ”said Acevedo.

Confirmation that there will be work on a call repair plan, also avoid floods and tourism for the municipality.

Also, the candidate of New Ideas by the Alcaldia of San Salvador, Mario Durán, posted in his Facebook profile that with 90% of the lawsuits confirmed in the capital.

“The Alcaldia of San Salvador wants to see everything! With 90% of processed acts not having doubts, thanks to all the capitalists for their confidence. San Salvador will be the capital of Central America! ”, Published in his speech Durán.

Always from the official and ex-party of San Miguel, Sal Salgado confirms having won the commune of its departmental headquarters.

With more than 90% of the lawsuits filed, we can ensure that Victoria is ours. I would like to thank God for all the miracles to trust me again. I am sure that the deceived and haremos of San Miguel a New City ”, published in social media Salgado.
