The flow of extras that can illegally cross to Peru increases on the front on | Ecuador | Notice

Huaquillas –

A military intelligence team has revealed that within three months the influx of foreigners (Venezuelans and Colombians) using the interprovincial transport bus on the Tulcán vital route to Huaquillas, the majority of them were to cross the front with Peru.

“There are people who cobra up to $ 400 per person, they secure the pass from Colombia to Ecuador and the border with Peru, including the custodia and hospice”, demonstrated Mario Sánchez, Chief of Operations of the El Oro Brigade.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the frontier in Peru has been closed by Colombia to prevent the propagation of contagious.
The investigations reveal that there is a redundancy in the number of coyotes participating in the operas in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

In each case, the customer must pay up to $ 30. The extras report that they are free, hamburger and insured in their work.
The Madrugada of March carried out a control operation in Panamericana, at the height of the anti-military control, but noted that buses coming from the north of the country were taken by passengers to less than 80% of foreign citizens.

“Salimos from Colombia to Ecuador and have been visiting Huaquillas for some time now. I was traveling with my neighbors who were reuniting with their mother in Piura ”, commented Víctor Arvelo, a Venezuelan citizen who went to Huaquillas around 05:00 on March.

Some of the extraterrestrials duermen in parks and acres of the canton of Huaquillas, others with the mayor will have a refuge in occupied places by their coteries.

During the continuous day and guided by the coyotes to cross the frontier between Ecuador and Peru using clandestine passes. (I)
