The five diets that Harvard recommends to lose weight in 2021 and not recover

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The start of the new year has always been a load of well-intentioned proposals. One that suele repeats especially in these cases is to diet, ya sea para bajar peso o par empezar a ser más saludables. Although Spain has always had a diet of good dietary foods, it has not been avoided that we eat during the diet milagro and ultraprocessed foods.

If you need a help to find a diet that is healthy and perfect for you, you are sure. How many years, la US news and world report a public list of the mejores diet for 2021 basandos and different premises como your benefit for the health, the facility at the time of the sequel or its popularity.

This traditional classification has been published for years in the first days of January and account of the prestige of the prestigious Harvard University. The most important thing to find out now is when we have the same diet: the Mediterranean. A fast-paced diet of fruits, vegetables, legumes and fish, which is always complete and recommended by the Spaniards.

The stage of nutrition

Securely, sharing the second puesto, follow the DASH diet and the flexible diet. La diet DASH based on their terms in intend to reduce arterial pressure by means of feeding, with an exhaustive control of the consumption of salt, and reducing the consumption of lactated or oily lactates, in addition to reducing, including, eliminating the consumption of foods with added sugars and the consumption of red corn. Asimismo, also suggests reducing the consumption of saturated grasses and trans grasses, in addition to increasing the intake of potassium, magnesium, calcium, protein and fiber.

La flexible diet, for its part, has as an objective to reduce the cost of increasing the consumption of fruit and semen form. Habría differs “levels” in the flexi-diet, which has been referred to as “vegetarianism at a particular time”. Pero, according to the studies, has more consumption of foods of vegetable origin and less of animal origin, better.

According to the experts, this stage is not a surprising series, given that las tres dietas equations: its easy to follow (crean adherence) and focuses on what foods are included and how much to restrain. The following diets in the classification of the Weight Watchers (WW) diet, in third place, the MIND diets, volumetric, the Mayo Clinic and TLC, in the desert, and the Ornish, vegetarian and Nordic diets, including the last place.

Commercial diets

This year’s study included the concoctions such as “commercial diets” and, between them, he called the WW diet “diet by points” and the diet of the Clinic Mayo as the best. También detached from the appearance of the diet Noom, the cual, according to its creators, does not have a series such as a diet that has a style of living enfocada on cambios in nutritional habits.

Hecho, is based on an application also called Noom, in which one can find nutritional information and semantic challenges, herramientas para annotar progresos and register as many comedies as ownership and progression of corporate weight, a virtual team of training and biometric segments. All pay, by default.

The experts say the Psychological component that is associated with the Noom diet, which is in front of other food patrons, as a component particularly relevant in Islamic moments such as the current pandemic.

For its part, diets like the Heel30 (centered on whole foods) or the conocida diet cetogenic (based on grass), very well known and popular, continuously provoking serious reticence, given that adherence to the same is most complicated. Both occupy the final positions, being the 35th and 37th among the 39 analyzed diets.

Diet in 2021, a complicated goal

Finally, the experts responsible for the elaboration of the ranking coincide with the fact that there is no good option to think about “losing weight” or “making a diet” during the entry into 2021, simply to get better: thinking about “making diets” suele will be a negative thought, and suggests that the year 2020 is saturated with negative events between the confinements, social distance and therefore security measures.

For now, I recommend following the steps of the three most valued diets: increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grains only with the goal of improving the salud. With some simple changes, you can lose a second form weight, but not as a school principal. Treatment of sustainable, flexible and personalizable food cartridges; and, including, permits cultural and religious variations if necessary.

The salud, incident, series the final goal. If any other objective of a collateral, major form are considered.
