The first transplant of rostro and manus of the world was an exit

(CNN) – It took more than two years for Joe Dimeo to return.

In July 2018, Dimeo, 20 years old at the moment, was asleep while driving on Route 22 in New Jersey. Lose the control and the shock shock against the ax, while stating antes in llamas.

A transcendent car bag antes of what to explode, but Dimeo suffers from having to work hard in cases of 80% of his body. The day was far from over, although Dimeo sorevivió, was without parents, orejas and large part of his dedications. También tenia graves cicatrices en la cara y el cuello que limitaban su rango de movimiento. The cicatrices, including the cubrian, are partly theirs.

rostro and manos transplant

His independence was immediately arrested.

The doctors, the doctors of the Langone Medical Center of the University of New York (NYU) announce that, over 23 hours of surgery, Dimeo, now 22 years old, is on the road to recover his life as a recipient of primary transplantation and manos with the exit of the world.

“Is the patient more motivated than he is known”, said the periodicist Dr. Eduardo Rodríguez, team leader who completed the surgery without precedents, at a press conference on Wednesday.

Although the surgery was performed in August of this year, Dimeo’s doctors decided to be sure that the transplants would not be resuscitated before they had surgery to remove them.

“It was realized with more than one man transplants and about 50 car transplants,” said Rodríguez. “If so, fundamentally, I have no reason to do so when I want to get rid of it, with success.”

Only he has the intentions to complete a surgery of this type – transplant the car and both hands of a patient – all over the world. No one has succeeded.

“We need to prevent the infection, we need to make this operation the fastest possible, we will have to be very selective with the donor and we will implement all the technologies that ensure the total operation of the operation.” And this is exactly what we hicimus ».

“Joe is healthy, he’s joven, he’s strong, he’s making his own move, he’s healthy and he has this special element necessary for this operation,” said Rodríguez. «A high level of motivation. And she has a tremendous sense of hope ».

The operation involved 80 people in its quirurgical and contiguous chiropractic teams.

In one, the manus and the tejido facial of a donor moribundo would be carefully removed and replaced with 3D prosthetic prosthesis.

“We will always commence the operation with a moment of silence to honor the donor’s family, to respect their great loss, to not carry out the donations they have received,” said Rodríguez. “In all these operations it is important to recognize that some must enter their life in order for others to be able to live.”

Joe Dimeo

In the operating room, the property will be removed and the Dimeo car will be removed with precise cards, to be prepared for the donor.

The operation was successfully terminated with Dimeo’s life and was not carried out correctly, said Rodríguez.

In the braces of Dimeo, each radio and cube is carefully attached, together with a series of tendons, muscles, veins and nerves, to prepare for the new extremities. The right man, the dominant man of Dimeo, was the first. Read the izquierda.

“We will replace 21 tendons, three principal nerves, five principal vessels, two principal hues” of each man, said Rodríguez. Each structure has a label, aggregated, to guarantee an adequate assembly.

When the donkey is given the rhyme to Dimeo, the little colocaron is placed in the barbeque to help unite his new cara, and the donor’s narration is injected into his body. The nerves and vasculature unite to release blood and, finally, the sensation at the tejido.

After 23 hours of surgery, the final score was scored. Luego wine cellar and five days in intensive care, followed by cases of hospital rehabilitation months, Dimeo learns to open his new paraphernalia, to move his new hands and move.

On Wednesday, Dimeo’s men are totally alone when they make a written statement of the collar of the pitch of a sports jacket and the levanto to learn with their eyes open.

“I want to share my story to give people the hope of the world,” he said.

“I would like to acknowledge the altruism of my donor and how nothing is possible with his victim,” said Dimeo. «Thanks».

Dimeo is recovering from his injuries after the 2018 accident.

When the question arises how long has been spent during the last months of rehabilitation, Dimeo says that he felt that he had a “second chance at life”.

“Geen hooi excusa para no estar motivado, o geen hacer mi terapia”, dijo

«Mis manos aún no lo logran. Tengo que seguir practicando », agregó.

“As if you were a baby, only mueven sus manos todo the time has until it acquires this ability to make things. Now connect new people, like them », dijo.

“Always have a look at the final of the tunnel”, says Dimeo. “Nunca te rindas”.
