The first month of Biden: a record of decrees and elections at the Congress

It started with all the speed and was top notch with the Congress. First of all, the President of the United States, Joe Biden, has set a record of decrees and has calmed down in Washington, but he has also stated that it will not be easy to approve his more ambitious plans.

Biden completes this Saturday in the Casa Blanca with a record of good luck: he is the president who has issued the most executive orders in the modern history of the United States, at least 31, more than the one the mandate firm he considers his great political referent: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933-1945).

The majority of these decrees, which are summed up as other unilateral medians, are concentrated in the first ten days of Biden’s mandate, which show the act of swearing in order to release many priorities of his predecessor, Donald Trump, and turn the government of the Gobierno has more progressive policies.

“Legacy with a ban on executive orders to threaten all the days caused by the Trump administration, but knowing that it is important and more so,” said Efe, a spokesman for Casa Blanca, who resigned anonymously.


Its most ambitious aircraft, as proposed by 1.9 trillion dollars to recover the effects of the pandemic and migration reform, depend on the cooperation of a Congress where Democrats have a tyrannical majority that will be impossible to approve. leyes without the collaboration of the republicans.

Before its launch on January 20, Biden’s assessors will study the 100 first Roosevelt days as a model to follow, but there is a big difference between Washington of today and what it did in the 1930s president, that firmo 15 lies in his first three months to be sacrificed in the country of the Great Depression.

“Roosevelt governs with huge Democratic mayors in Congress, including some support among the Republican minority. Biden has the most likely majority mayors, and it is unlikely that any Republican will vote for his politicians”, neem op as’ n Efe un historiador president of the University of Albany, Bruce Miroff.

This implies that Biden will have the best perspectives on approving the items on its agenda that generate consensus in the country, such as the economic recovery package, which is perceived as more “progressive”, as migration reform and other social issues, Miroff said. .


Although the polarization in Congress obliged the Governor of Biden to accept that many changes did not occur as quickly as the taste buds, the Casa Blanca insisted that it did not increase its sense of urgency, especially in relation to the evacuation campaign against the covid-19 and the rescate of the economy.

On this last point, there is a definite limit: the White House wants the Congress to approve it before March 14, when it will be able to vote for the example, and even if the Democrats win a legal maneuver to get it right en Senado incluso si no cuentan con apoyos entre los republicanos.

Biden also needs the help of the Congress, as well as the professors’ unions, for the second high priority of its first 100 days, which ends April 30th: log that vuelvan will open the Mayor of schools that teaches men 14 years, now closed to the pandemic.

As part of the evacuation campaign, Biden took the road to complete its promise of administering at least 100 million doses in its first 100 days on the power, and has launched a media of 1.5 million vacancies administered daily in the country , según la Casa Blanca.

“El Gobierno is advancing much in terms of the distribution of vacancies, while being the only one who has been able to read the power”, assured Efe Alasdair Roberts, Professor of Public Policy at the University of Massachusetts.


For Biden, too, it is frustrating that the political juiciness on the part of the Capitol, which ended one week ago with Trump’s execution, absorbed both the time of the Senate and Washington’s attention during his first months.

“I have returned the confirmation of some of the candidates from his cabinet,” observed Efe Karen Hult, an expert on the Presidential Presidency at the University of Virginia Tech.

Until now, the Senate has only confirmed 7 of the 23 nominees for the Biden Cabinet, with notable appointments as candidates for the Salut o Justicia Secretariat; in front of the 11 that were ratified during Trump’s first month as Barack Obama’s prime minister (2009-2017).


On the international stage, Biden has shared important media such as the United States’ accession to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and has assured the most concerned allies of Trump’s alacionism that his Gobierno will now be involved the worldwide scene, including the lucha against the pandemic.

The chaos that marked Trump’s first month in power has shone through his bid for the same period of Biden’s, although his White House has been confronted with a scandalous punch, generated by a postman who had to give up after being fired. a periodical that has published information about its sentimental life.

And again, these would mean that you have to spend for these processes. The President of Trump has announced on Twitter: Biden’s account on Twitter, @POTUS, only posted messages with posts and expressions by his Gobierno. The surprising mayor is an appearance on his platforms, Champ and Major, or a video about the morning routine of the new mandate.
