The first full day of Biden in the cargo: the presidential firm decrees to end the covid-19 pandemic

Biden does not create 100 million vacancies in the first 100 days with a low number

In the final of the high comments on the new response to the administration’s covid-19, President Biden opuso on the suggestion that has 100 million vacancies in the first 100 days was a bad list.

“When the announcement is made, all to say that it is not possible. Vamos, dame un respiro, es un buen comienzo, 100 millones «, dijo al reportero de Associated Press Zeke Miller.

El viernes pasado, el Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the Instituto Nacional de Alergias y Enfermedades Infecciosas, told Today Show that the figure of 100 million was “quite factual”.

“We discussed it with Biden’s team, and we’re pretty sure we can do it. At the moment, including now, we have reached a median million per day to 750,000 per day. We firmly believe that it is a fact, and if we do, we will maintain the objective of evacuating the majority of the country, “said Fauci.

“If we consider that between 70% and 85% of the people in the country are evacuated, it is likely that we will be using collective bargaining units,” he said. “We can start the exercise in some form of normalcy, but it will actually depend on the adoption of vacancies.”

LEE: Have enough vacancies for the promise of 100 million doses, says the coordinator of the coronavirus of the Casa Blanca
