the first consultations that vuelven has to be present

The Ministry of Public Health (MSP) informs that ‘n deel van 1 ° de marzo se retomarán de forma obligator las consultas prédicas presenciales in the public and private services of all countries for general medicine, paediatrics and gynecology, and one of the most delayed to mention all the specialties.

The authorities have informed the Martes that ante the bay of diarios cases of covid-19 and the “stabilized number of patients in critical care” was launched on March “normalization plan” of the attention in the health centers, with the objective of get the attention of the attending medical consultations in the anterior levels of the pandemic in a place of 120 days (four months).

This Wednesday, the ministry informs that The institutions will present the institutional plan before March 15 for the progressive recovery of assistance and preventive activities. “without detriment to the reserves of necessary sanitary resources to continue with the response to the pandemic of covid-19”, the communist concluded.

The first consultations that return the mandatory attendance will be the general medicine, pediatrics and gynecology from March 1 °, with no less than three consultations per hour, which are complemented by telemedicine agencies.

From 1 April onwards, the obligation for pre-trial counseling will extend to the rest of the medical attention specialties with priority given to chronic and infirm transmissions.

On the other hand, the MSP signals that it hopes that, following the evolution of the pandemic, for September the “indicators of accessibility and sanitary production” will be logged with comparable levels to the September 2019.

The President of the Coordinator of Institutions of Assistant Medical Medicine, Carlos Cardoso, says that this change affects the exceptional media that are implemented in the most critical departments in the cases of covid-19, such as Montevideo, Canelones, Rocha, San José and Rivera.

“The rest of the departments will have a presence with the June 2020 standards, where there will be up to three patients for attendance and telemedicine hours and the need to have 25% free beds in intensive care and moderation. allows quizzes to be carried out using a method that is known in other departments that there is a need to pay attention to the issues that allow them to complement the activities and time to fill the vacancies, evacuate the salute staff and receive the immunization “, dijo in interview with Informal information.

The institutions of hope that by the end of March the staff of health is evacuated, which is summed up in the immunization of the population with risk by the oath. “By increasing the 50% of the forecast, the contagious communication contingencies will be substantial. This will increase the competition of consultants and surgeons,” Cardoso said.

During the pandemic, between 12 miles and 14 miles of surgeries to prioritize the beds in case of need for the attention of patients with covid-19. Cardoso is very confident in that, if the evacuation of the health personnel is concrete, “in one month” will be on the day. Of all forms, noting that the operation of the operations is not solely for the purposes of the MSP’s decisions, it means “some people are deciding what to do at the moment”.

Regarding diagnostic studies, Cardoso explained that it has a 20% stake in the realization, and agrees that it also has to make personal decisions.

The Honorary Assessor Group (GACH) advertises that the Consequences that due to the pandemic in the pathologies that are not associated with the covid-19 debian are considered urgent form. ‘N Information van grupo señalaba, uit ejemplo, dend 2020 hubo una reduction of 80% en realización de PAP examenes, 66% menos de mammografías, 73% menos of test the sangre oculta and las heces y 28% menos de números de patienten in oncology services, in comparison with the results during 2019.

Respectively, Cardoso comments that these concerns are also shared by the institutions. “Women do not hesitate to study priorities in reprogramming.
